David Saperstein Conspires to Destroy Conservative Journo; pirma facie violaion of Section 241
Evan Gahr
Gadfly/Phone Enthusiat
Chimp, Hymietown Defense League
May 2,
Office of Civil Rights
States Department of Justice
1841 Conspiracy Against Rights, with locus of felony aggravated harassment of
this journalist’s father, and subsequent coordinated effort to deny service at
public accommodations in order to impede my First Amendment activities by these
three perfidious Jews. Additionally,
Saperstein’s wife, Ellen Weiss, who, it is a safe bet was privy to or knew
about the coordination between Saperstein and the Bush White House, is now
violating my civil rights by not responding to my job application to be a
reporter at Scripps Howard. Yeah, yeah. That sounds like a matter for the EEOC
only, at first glance. But it is part of a larger effort to intimidate me and
retaliate against me for protected activities, most notably my 2002 DC HRA
lawsuit against the Hudson Institute, a government contractor.
Amended complaint against and request for investigation, with all deliberate
speed of former Reagan OMG general counsel/Reagan DOJ official Michael J.
Horowitz, former Bush WH OMB general counsel Jay “a little anti-Semitism is
good for the Jews” Lefkowitz and former Obama State Department Envoy David
Saperstein for conspiracy against rights—Section 1841, concurrent with
discrimination in public accommodations, tortious interference with contract,
felony aggravated harassment and criminal coercion dating to 2001 and, most
recently, the harassing, intimidating and lying private email that
On April
10, 2017, his Passover Scoundrel Time, .Saperstein sent me, in disregard to
oral and written instructions to immediately cease and desist all private
communication about matters of public concern, as the private communications
are medically injurious and intimidate me
Saperstein, based on information and belief acted a) at the behest of if not in
coordination with or consultation with his fellow travelers Barabra Weinstein
and Jonah Pesner and they should be investigated for conspiring with him to
intimidate me and b)this intimidation
effort was in direct response to me just days earlier filing a DCHRC complaint
against them for denying me service at their Religious Action Center/URJ DC
office, a place of public accommodation and c)my request to Judge Sullivan to
re-open my lawsuit against Saperstein for barring me from RAC in 2005 in
illegal retaliation for my lawsuit against Hudson and c)Saperstein, knows
personally and from published reports and has been told repeatedly that all
these stunts exacerbate my disability unipolar MDD and non-military PTSD and
frighten my oldish mother and father (who he helped MH criminally harass) and
therefor cause me medical injury and impede my efforts to exercise my First
Amendment rights to protest and write about and expose journalistically their
violation of my civil rights and cover-up for White House anti-Semtism, etc.
Information: Saperstein encouraged the Arlington Cap View Hotel to illegally
refuse to book me a room by lying to them about me
the behest of Saperstein, the Arlington
Cap View Hotel where his Religious Action Center/URJ
to Office of Civil Rights, United States Department of Justice
1841—Conspiracy Against Rights by former government officials Jay Lefkowitz,
David Saperstein and Michael Horowitz and Roy Pomerantz, self-described
“college friend” of JL
Page 2
May 2,
was held this week refused to book me a room when I called the operator. He told me they had rooms available. Then,
because duh for him—he put the phone down without putting me on hold—I heard
him tell an associate that I was the guy who complained Saperstein was
violating his civil rights. I booked
through Booking.com but cancelled because I felt threatened and intimidated by
these antics.
Letter to
Office of Civil Rights, United States Department of Justice
to Office of Civil Rights, United States Department of Justice
1841—Conspiracy Against Rights by former government officials Jay Lefkowitz,
David Saperstein and Michael Horowitz and Roy Pomerantz, self-described
“college friend” of JL
Page 2
May 2,
information: as a direct result of these latest stunts I am having even more
problems with PTSD and flashbacks and concentration, etc. I am extremely
disoriented and got all lost on the Metro yesterday. Got on the wrong train
like twice.
information: in 2005, Saperstein, acting with malice and forethought and
knowing his illegal edict would cause me medical injury because he knew I was
already fighting bad depression and was extremely isolated banned me from RAC
in direct coordination with the government contractor, Hudson Institute
that fired me and Michael Horowitz and by extension Jay Lefkowitz in the Bush
White House after they all read New York Daily News columnist Lloyd Grove
quoting me saying the Bush White House got me fired from Hudson. Sapertein’s wife, Ellen Weiss, was a top NPR
official (and for years until she blacklisted and fired Juan Williams) and
clearly read the article, which was, I
know from my own reporting “the talk of the town.”
It was read and discussed by officials of the NY
Times DC bureau (1) and bureau chief Phil Taubmann sp? Additionally, Hudson had
a clipping service so everybody at Hudson, particularly MH, would have been
notified about it. This was also
basically pre-internet and “everybody”—ie the media and political elites read
Lloyd Grove’s column closely since he was a WaPo veteran and had written a
similar one for that liberal broadsheet.
article clearly set off alarm bells among Saperstein’s White House
conspirators. Although I had been saying
online, on my Chimpstein website and in various emails and phone calls to Tim
Goeglein and Jay Lefkowitz that they got me fired—and also to Ari Fleischer,
who hung up on me, but did not deny knowledge of the phone calls, Lloyd’s item
was the first instance of a mainstream reporter reporting the WH/Jay Lefkowitz
Sapertein, acting in coordination with and in tandem with and on behalf of the
WH—ie, as a proxy and conduit, violated the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the ADA
to medically incapacitate me so I could not further expose his WH handlers
illegal activities since said exposure would undermine his own credibility and
power and influence since MH and JL were crucial allies for his RAC on many
That is
why Saperstein, alone among major Jewish leaders, did not condemn Weyrich for saying the Jews
killed Christ or Hudson for firing me.
His silence contradicted the express policies and standards of RAC and
the Union for Reform Judaism and he abrogated the wishes of URJ president Eric
Yoffie and his board members by keeping quiet.
acted purposefully and willfully to harm me and medically incapacitate me and
do it QUICKLY—just weeks after the Lloyd Grove item—because he KNEW that, per
my standard modus operandi, I was going to try an use Lloyd’s item to convince
other reports to write about his WH allies role in my dismissal.
It worked.
In January 2006, Phil Taubmann sp? then
NYT Washington bureau chief, who had
been familiar with my investigative
reporting since the early 1990s, told me he was interested in reporting the WH
role in my dismissal. But I soon got so
badly depressed due to the RAC ban that I never followed up.
high-priced whore, oh, excuse me, I meant Patton Boggs partner, then employed
CPUSA innuendo that I was mentally unhinged in response to his lawsuit; making
statements that he could not possibly believe were true.
New Info:
In direct coordination with Michael Horowitz, Saperstein also lied to Paul
Weyrich about me, the same way MH with his help in the course of criminally
harassing my father, lied to him about me and told him I was acting
deranged and was a danger to myself and
others and might get arrested when I was really just doing standard
investigative reporting and exposing all of them. This was intended to frighten Weyrich so he
would in turn pressure me to keep quiet and not exercising my rights.
Saperstein acted with malice and
forethought because he knew Weyrich was beset with basically every malady a
person could possibly have except for cancer---class act, David!—and that he
was very worried about me and this would cause him considerable fright and
fear. Saperstein made demonstrably false
statements that he knew were false and could not possibly believe and had no
reason to believe. Saperstein is a
lawyer; he knew very well that everything I did was fully protected by the
First Amendment and did not even approach the outer boundaries and that nobody
even had accused me of harassing them or even TOLD me not contact them. His story was an utter fabrication; just like
the stuff that Lillian Hellman peddled
in her “memoir” for her secret Soviet masters.
David and MH are like pedophile priests
and I am the altar boy. They are compulsive. Just can’t control themselves.
They do the same depraved and impulsive act again and again to satisfy their
urgings. It had been three years since
they pulled the same CPUSA criminal stunt with my father. And that didn’t kill
him off. So they decided to give it a whirl with Weyrich? An easier mark since my father was in good
health and PW was in bad shape.
Saperstein’s filthy lies were probably disseminated to paulwey@freecongress.org;
so they can be retrieved. I have in my file his response to the lies they told.
And, by
the way, if I was so deranged why were they calling PW? Why not go to a judge
and have me committed? Or let the person supposedly subjected to my supposed
instabilities file a complaint. If I
was that out of control what good would talking to PW do? He had no financial
control over me.
Per my
phone call to the FBI earlier this week (memory problems) after the Lloyd Grove
article was published my brother—in-law Roy Pomerantz, a self-described
“college friend” of JL who was frightened that me linking them publicly would
ruin his business, located in a dilapidated section of Queens, committed felony
unlawful imprisonment of my mother and father to try and shut me up. Came home early ushered them into his
bedroom, closed the door screamed and yelled at them aid they could never see
his kids again if I wrote about him and by extension JL again. He physically obstructed my mother when she tried
to leave. I later called 911 from 212-744-2145; the cops went to his house
probably stayed there and asked questions for like 20 minutes. Incidentally,
Roy for like 10 years used an illegal immigrant nanny, Lorna from the
Phillipines, and for some strange reason—gee what could it be—always paid her
hefty salary in cash. His lawyer Marc Landis coordinated his little felony and
more recently did, with Roy, more ACH to shut me up. Right after I was loud about his apparent tax evasion,
documentation to be submitted separately to request expedited review.
submitted with faith in the American people,
Evan Gahr
Gadfly/Phone Enthusiat
Chimp, Hymietown Defense League
May 2,
Office of Civil Rights
States Department of Justice
1841 Conspiracy Against Rights, with locus of felony aggravated harassment of
this journalist’s father, and subsequent coordinated effort to deny service at
public accommodations in order to impede my First Amendment activities by these
three perfidious Jews. Additionally,
Saperstein’s wife, Ellen Weiss, who, it is a safe bet was privy to or knew
about the coordination between Saperstein and the Bush White House, is now
violating my civil rights by not responding to my job application to be a
reporter at Scripps Howard. Yeah, yeah. That sounds like a matter for the EEOC
only, at first glance. But it is part of a larger effort to intimidate me and
retaliate against me for protected activities, most notably my 2002 DC HRA
lawsuit against the Hudson Institute, a government contractor.
Amended complaint against and request for investigation, with all deliberate
speed of former Reagan OMG general counsel/Reagan DOJ official Michael J.
Horowitz, former Bush WH OMB general counsel Jay “a little anti-Semitism is
good for the Jews” Lefkowitz and former Obama State Department Envoy David
Saperstein for conspiracy against rights—Section 1841, concurrent with
discrimination in public accommodations, tortious interference with contract,
felony aggravated harassment and criminal coercion dating to 2001 and, most
recently, the harassing, intimidating and lying private email that
On April
10, 2017, his Passover Scoundrel Time, .Saperstein sent me, in disregard to
oral and written instructions to immediately cease and desist all private communication
about matters of public concern, as the private communications are medically
injurious and intimidate me
Saperstein, based on information and belief acted a) at the behest of if not in
coordination with or consultation with his fellow travelers Barabra Weinstein
and Jonah Pesner and they should be investigated for conspiring with him to
intimidate me and b)this intimidation
effort was in direct response to me just days earlier filing a DCHRC complaint against
them for denying me service at their Religious Action Center/URJ DC office, a
place of public accommodation and c)my request to Judge Sullivan to re-open my
lawsuit against Saperstein for barring me from RAC in 2005 in illegal
retaliation for my lawsuit against Hudson and c)Saperstein, knows personally
and from published reports and has been told repeatedly that all these stunts
exacerbate my disability unipolar MDD and non-military PTSD and frighten my
oldish mother and father (who he helped MH criminally harass) and therefor
cause me medical injury and impede my efforts to exercise my First Amendment
rights to protest and write about and expose journalistically their violation
of my civil rights and cover-up for White House anti-Semtism, etc.
Information: Saperstein encouraged the Arlington Cap View Hotel to illegally
refuse to book me a room by lying to them about me
the behest of Saperstein, the Arlington
Cap View Hotel where his Religious Action Center/URJ conference was held this
week refused to book me a room when I called the operator. He told me they had rooms available. Then,
because duh for him—he put the phone down without putting me on hold—I heard
him tell an associate that I was the guy who complained Saperstein was
violating his civil rights. I booked
through Booking.com but cancelled because I felt threatened and intimidated by
these antics.
Letter to
Office of Civil Rights, United States Department of Justice
to Office of Civil Rights, United States Department of Justice
1841—Conspiracy Against Rights by former government officials Jay Lefkowitz,
David Saperstein and Michael Horowitz and Roy Pomerantz, self-described
“college friend” of JL
Page 2
May 2,
information: as a direct result of these latest stunts I am having even more
problems with PTSD and flashbacks and concentration, etc. I am extremely
disoriented and got all lost on the Metro yesterday. Got on the wrong train
like twice.
information: in 2005, Saperstein, acting with malice and forethought and
knowing his illegal edict would cause me medical injury because he knew I was
already fighting bad depression and was extremely isolated banned me from RAC
in direct coordination with the government contractor, Hudson Institute
that fired me and Michael Horowitz and by extension Jay Lefkowitz in the Bush
White House after they all read New York Daily News columnist Lloyd Grove
quoting me saying the Bush White House got me fired from Hudson. Sapertein’s wife, Ellen Weiss, was a top NPR
official (and for years until she blacklisted and fired Juan Williams) and
clearly read the article, which was, I
know from my own reporting “the talk of the town.”
It was read and discussed by officials of the
NY Times DC bureau (1) and bureau chief Phil Taubmann sp? Additionally, Hudson
had a clipping service so everybody at Hudson, particularly MH, would have been
notified about it. This was also
basically pre-internet and “everybody”—ie the media and political elites read
Lloyd Grove’s column closely since he was a WaPo veteran and had written a
similar one for that liberal broadsheet.
article clearly set off alarm bells among Saperstein’s White House
conspirators. Although I had been saying
online, on my Chimpstein website and in various emails and phone calls to Tim
Goeglein and Jay Lefkowitz that they got me fired—and also to Ari Fleischer,
who hung up on me, but did not deny knowledge of the phone calls, Lloyd’s item
was the first instance of a mainstream reporter reporting the WH/Jay Lefkowitz
Sapertein, acting in coordination with and in tandem with and on behalf of the
WH—ie, as a proxy and conduit, violated the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the ADA
to medically incapacitate me so I could not further expose his WH handlers
illegal activities since said exposure would undermine his own credibility and
power and influence since MH and JL were crucial allies for his RAC on many
That is
why Saperstein, alone among major Jewish leaders, did not condemn Weyrich for saying the Jews
killed Christ or Hudson for firing me.
His silence contradicted the express policies and standards of RAC and
the Union for Reform Judaism and he abrogated the wishes of URJ president Eric
Yoffie and his board members by keeping quiet.
acted purposefully and willfully to harm me and medically incapacitate me and
do it QUICKLY—just weeks after the Lloyd Grove item—because he KNEW that, per
my standard modus operandi, I was going to try an use Lloyd’s item to convince
other reports to write about his WH allies role in my dismissal.
to Office of Civil Rights, United States Department of Justice
1841—Conspiracy Against Rights by former government officials Jay Lefkowitz,
David Saperstein and Michael Horowitz and Roy Pomerantz, self-described
“college friend” of JL
Page 2
May 2,
t worked.
In January 2006, Phil Taubmann sp? then
NYT Washington bureau chief, who had
been familiar with my investigative
reporting since the early 1990s, told me he was interested in reporting the WH
role in my dismissal. But I soon got so
badly depressed due to the RAC ban that I never followed up.
high-priced whore, oh, excuse me, I meant Patton Boggs partner, then employed
CPUSA innuendo that I was mentally unhinged in response to his lawsuit; making
statements that he could not possibly believe were true.
New Info:
In direct coordination with Michael Horowitz, Saperstein also lied to Paul
Weyrich about me, the same way MH with his help in the course of criminally
harassing my father, lied to him about me and told him I was acting
deranged and was a danger to myself and
others and might get arrested when I was really just doing standard
investigative reporting and exposing all of them. This was intended to frighten Weyrich so he
would in turn pressure me to keep quiet and not exercising my rights.
Saperstein acted with malice and
forethought because he knew Weyrich was beset with basically every malady a
person could possibly have except for cancer---class act, David!—and that he
was very worried about me and this would cause him considerable fright and
fear. Saperstein made demonstrably false
statements that he knew were false and could not possibly believe and had no
reason to believe. Saperstein is a
lawyer; he knew very well that everything I did was fully protected by the
First Amendment and did not even approach the outer boundaries and that nobody
even had accused me of harassing them or even TOLD me not contact them. His story was an utter fabrication; just like
the stuff that Lillian Hellman peddled
in her “memoir” for her secret Soviet masters.
David and MH are like pedophile
priests and I am the altar boy. They are compulsive. Just can’t control
themselves. They do the same depraved and impulsive act again and again to
satisfy their urgings. It had been three
years since they pulled the same CPUSA criminal stunt with my father. And that
didn’t kill him off. So they decided to give it a whirl with Weyrich? An easier mark since my father was in good
health and PW was in bad shape.
Saperstein’s filthy lies were probably disseminated to paulwey@freecongress.org;
so they can be retrieved. I have in my file his response to the lies they told.
And, by
the way, if I was so deranged why were they calling PW? Why not go to a judge
and have me committed? Or let the person supposedly subjected to my supposed
instabilities file a complaint. If I
was that out of control what good would talking to PW do? He had no financial
control over me.
Per my
phone call to the FBI earlier this week (memory problems) after the Lloyd Grove
article was published my brother—in-law Roy Pomerantz, a self-described
“college friend” of JL who was frightened that me linking them publicly would
ruin his business, located in a dilapidated section of Queens, committed felony
unlawful imprisonment of my mother and father to try and shut me up. Came home early ushered them into his
bedroom, closed the door screamed and yelled at them aid they could never see
his kids again if I wrote about him and by extension JL again. He physically obstructed my mother when she
tried to leave. I later called 911 from 212-744-2145; the cops went to his
house probably stayed there and asked questions for like 20 minutes. Incidentally,
Roy for like 10 years used an illegal immigrant nanny, Lorna from the
Phillipines, and for some strange reason—gee what could it be—always paid her
hefty salary in cash. His lawyer Marc Landis coordinated his little felony and
more recently did, with Roy, more ACH to shut me up. Right after I was loud about his apparent tax evasion,
documentation to be submitted separately to request expedited review.
submitted with faith in the American people,
Evan Gahr
Gadfly/Phone Enthusiat
Chimp, Hymietown Defense League
May 2,
Office of Civil Rights
States Department of Justice
1841 Conspiracy Against Rights, with locus of felony aggravated harassment of
this journalist’s father, and subsequent coordinated effort to deny service at
public accommodations in order to impede my First Amendment activities by these
three perfidious Jews. Additionally,
Saperstein’s wife, Ellen Weiss, who, it is a safe bet was privy to or knew
about the coordination between Saperstein and the Bush White House, is now
violating my civil rights by not responding to my job application to be a
reporter at Scripps Howard. Yeah, yeah. That sounds like a matter for the EEOC
only, at first glance. But it is part of a larger effort to intimidate me and
retaliate against me for protected activities, most notably my 2002 DC HRA
lawsuit against the Hudson Institute, a government contractor.
Amended complaint against and request for investigation, with all deliberate
speed of former Reagan OMG general counsel/Reagan DOJ official Michael J.
Horowitz, former Bush WH OMB general counsel Jay “a little anti-Semitism is
good for the Jews” Lefkowitz and former Obama State Department Envoy David
Saperstein for conspiracy against rights—Section 1841, concurrent with
discrimination in public accommodations, tortious interference with contract,
felony aggravated harassment and criminal coercion dating to 2001 and, most
recently, the harassing, intimidating and lying private email that
On April
10, 2017, his Passover Scoundrel Time, .Saperstein sent me, in disregard to
oral and written instructions to immediately cease and desist all private
communication about matters of public concern, as the private communications
are medically injurious and intimidate me
Saperstein, based on information and belief acted a) at the behest of if not in
coordination with or consultation with his fellow travelers Barabra Weinstein
and Jonah Pesner and they should be investigated for conspiring with him to
intimidate me and b)this intimidation
effort was in direct response to me just days earlier filing a DCHRC complaint
against them for denying me service at their Religious Action Center/URJ DC
office, a place of public accommodation and c)my request to Judge Sullivan to
re-open my lawsuit against Saperstein for barring me from RAC in 2005 in
illegal retaliation for my lawsuit against Hudson and c)Saperstein, knows
personally and from published reports and has been told repeatedly that all
these stunts exacerbate my disability unipolar MDD and non-military PTSD and
frighten my oldish mother and father (who he helped MH criminally harass) and
therefor cause me medical injury and impede my efforts to exercise my First
Amendment rights to protest and write about and expose journalistically their
violation of my civil rights and cover-up for White House anti-Semtism, etc.
Information: Saperstein encouraged the Arlington Cap View Hotel to illegally
refuse to book me a room by lying to them about me
the behest of Saperstein, the Arlington
Cap View Hotel where his Religious Action Center/URJ
to Office of Civil Rights, United States Department of Justice
1841—Conspiracy Against Rights by former government officials Jay Lefkowitz,
David Saperstein and Michael Horowitz and Roy Pomerantz, self-described
“college friend” of JL
Page 2
May 2,
was held this week refused to book me a room when I called the operator. He told me they had rooms available. Then,
because duh for him—he put the phone down without putting me on hold—I heard
him tell an associate that I was the guy who complained Saperstein was
violating his civil rights. I booked
through Booking.com but cancelled because I felt threatened and intimidated by
these antics.
Letter to
Office of Civil Rights, United States Department of Justice
to Office of Civil Rights, United States Department of Justice
1841—Conspiracy Against Rights by former government officials Jay Lefkowitz,
David Saperstein and Michael Horowitz and Roy Pomerantz, self-described
“college friend” of JL
Page 2
May 2,
information: as a direct result of these latest stunts I am having even more
problems with PTSD and flashbacks and concentration, etc. I am extremely
disoriented and got all lost on the Metro yesterday. Got on the wrong train
like twice.
information: in 2005, Saperstein, acting with malice and forethought and
knowing his illegal edict would cause me medical injury because he knew I was
already fighting bad depression and was extremely isolated banned me from RAC
in direct coordination with the government contractor, Hudson Institute
that fired me and Michael Horowitz and by extension Jay Lefkowitz in the Bush
White House after they all read New York Daily News columnist Lloyd Grove
quoting me saying the Bush White House got me fired from Hudson. Sapertein’s wife, Ellen Weiss, was a top NPR
official (and for years until she blacklisted and fired Juan Williams) and
clearly read the article, which was, I
know from my own reporting “the talk of the town.”
It was read and discussed by officials of the NY
Times DC bureau (1) and bureau chief Phil Taubmann sp? Additionally, Hudson had
a clipping service so everybody at Hudson, particularly MH, would have been
notified about it. This was also
basically pre-internet and “everybody”—ie the media and political elites read
Lloyd Grove’s column closely since he was a WaPo veteran and had written a
similar one for that liberal broadsheet.
article clearly set off alarm bells among Saperstein’s White House
conspirators. Although I had been saying
online, on my Chimpstein website and in various emails and phone calls to Tim
Goeglein and Jay Lefkowitz that they got me fired—and also to Ari Fleischer,
who hung up on me, but did not deny knowledge of the phone calls, Lloyd’s item
was the first instance of a mainstream reporter reporting the WH/Jay Lefkowitz
Sapertein, acting in coordination with and in tandem with and on behalf of the
WH—ie, as a proxy and conduit, violated the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the ADA
to medically incapacitate me so I could not further expose his WH handlers
illegal activities since said exposure would undermine his own credibility and
power and influence since MH and JL were crucial allies for his RAC on many
That is
why Saperstein, alone among major Jewish leaders, did not condemn Weyrich for saying the Jews
killed Christ or Hudson for firing me.
His silence contradicted the express policies and standards of RAC and
the Union for Reform Judaism and he abrogated the wishes of URJ president Eric
Yoffie and his board members by keeping quiet.
acted purposefully and willfully to harm me and medically incapacitate me and
do it QUICKLY—just weeks after the Lloyd Grove item—because he KNEW that, per
my standard modus operandi, I was going to try an use Lloyd’s item to convince
other reports to write about his WH allies role in my dismissal.
It worked.
In January 2006, Phil Taubmann sp? then
NYT Washington bureau chief, who had
been familiar with my investigative
reporting since the early 1990s, told me he was interested in reporting the WH
role in my dismissal. But I soon got so
badly depressed due to the RAC ban that I never followed up.
high-priced whore, oh, excuse me, I meant Patton Boggs partner, then employed
CPUSA innuendo that I was mentally unhinged in response to his lawsuit; making
statements that he could not possibly believe were true.
New Info:
In direct coordination with Michael Horowitz, Saperstein also lied to Paul
Weyrich about me, the same way MH with his help in the course of criminally
harassing my father, lied to him about me and told him I was acting
deranged and was a danger to myself and
others and might get arrested when I was really just doing standard
investigative reporting and exposing all of them. This was intended to frighten Weyrich so he
would in turn pressure me to keep quiet and not exercising my rights.
Saperstein acted with malice and
forethought because he knew Weyrich was beset with basically every malady a
person could possibly have except for cancer---class act, David!—and that he
was very worried about me and this would cause him considerable fright and
fear. Saperstein made demonstrably false
statements that he knew were false and could not possibly believe and had no
reason to believe. Saperstein is a
lawyer; he knew very well that everything I did was fully protected by the
First Amendment and did not even approach the outer boundaries and that nobody
even had accused me of harassing them or even TOLD me not contact them. His story was an utter fabrication; just like
the stuff that Lillian Hellman peddled
in her “memoir” for her secret Soviet masters.
David and MH are like pedophile priests
and I am the altar boy. They are compulsive. Just can’t control themselves.
They do the same depraved and impulsive act again and again to satisfy their
urgings. It had been three years since
they pulled the same CPUSA criminal stunt with my father. And that didn’t kill
him off. So they decided to give it a whirl with Weyrich? An easier mark since my father was in good
health and PW was in bad shape.
Saperstein’s filthy lies were probably disseminated to paulwey@freecongress.org;
so they can be retrieved. I have in my file his response to the lies they told.
And, by
the way, if I was so deranged why were they calling PW? Why not go to a judge
and have me committed? Or let the person supposedly subjected to my supposed
instabilities file a complaint. If I
was that out of control what good would talking to PW do? He had no financial
control over me.
Per my
phone call to the FBI earlier this week (memory problems) after the Lloyd Grove
article was published my brother—in-law Roy Pomerantz, a self-described
“college friend” of JL who was frightened that me linking them publicly would
ruin his business, located in a dilapidated section of Queens, committed felony
unlawful imprisonment of my mother and father to try and shut me up. Came home early ushered them into his
bedroom, closed the door screamed and yelled at them aid they could never see
his kids again if I wrote about him and by extension JL again. He physically obstructed my mother when she tried
to leave. I later called 911 from 212-744-2145; the cops went to his house
probably stayed there and asked questions for like 20 minutes. Incidentally,
Roy for like 10 years used an illegal immigrant nanny, Lorna from the
Phillipines, and for some strange reason—gee what could it be—always paid her
hefty salary in cash. His lawyer Marc Landis coordinated his little felony and
more recently did, with Roy, more ACH to shut me up. Right after I was loud about his apparent tax evasion,
documentation to be submitted separately to request expedited review.
submitted with faith in the American people,
Evan Gahr
Gadfly/Phone Enthusiat
Chimp, Hymietown Defense League
May 2,
Office of Civil Rights
States Department of Justice
1841 Conspiracy Against Rights, with locus of felony aggravated harassment of
this journalist’s father, and subsequent coordinated effort to deny service at
public accommodations in order to impede my First Amendment activities by these
three perfidious Jews. Additionally,
Saperstein’s wife, Ellen Weiss, who, it is a safe bet was privy to or knew
about the coordination between Saperstein and the Bush White House, is now
violating my civil rights by not responding to my job application to be a
reporter at Scripps Howard. Yeah, yeah. That sounds like a matter for the EEOC
only, at first glance. But it is part of a larger effort to intimidate me and
retaliate against me for protected activities, most notably my 2002 DC HRA
lawsuit against the Hudson Institute, a government contractor.
Amended complaint against and request for investigation, with all deliberate
speed of former Reagan OMG general counsel/Reagan DOJ official Michael J.
Horowitz, former Bush WH OMB general counsel Jay “a little anti-Semitism is
good for the Jews” Lefkowitz and former Obama State Department Envoy David
Saperstein for conspiracy against rights—Section 1841, concurrent with
discrimination in public accommodations, tortious interference with contract,
felony aggravated harassment and criminal coercion dating to 2001 and, most
recently, the harassing, intimidating and lying private email that
On April
10, 2017, his Passover Scoundrel Time, .Saperstein sent me, in disregard to
oral and written instructions to immediately cease and desist all private communication
about matters of public concern, as the private communications are medically
injurious and intimidate me
Saperstein, based on information and belief acted a) at the behest of if not in
coordination with or consultation with his fellow travelers Barabra Weinstein
and Jonah Pesner and they should be investigated for conspiring with him to
intimidate me and b)this intimidation
effort was in direct response to me just days earlier filing a DCHRC complaint against
them for denying me service at their Religious Action Center/URJ DC office, a
place of public accommodation and c)my request to Judge Sullivan to re-open my
lawsuit against Saperstein for barring me from RAC in 2005 in illegal
retaliation for my lawsuit against Hudson and c)Saperstein, knows personally
and from published reports and has been told repeatedly that all these stunts
exacerbate my disability unipolar MDD and non-military PTSD and frighten my
oldish mother and father (who he helped MH criminally harass) and therefor
cause me medical injury and impede my efforts to exercise my First Amendment
rights to protest and write about and expose journalistically their violation
of my civil rights and cover-up for White House anti-Semtism, etc.
Information: Saperstein encouraged the Arlington Cap View Hotel to illegally
refuse to book me a room by lying to them about me
the behest of Saperstein, the Arlington
Cap View Hotel where his Religious Action Center/URJ conference was held this
week refused to book me a room when I called the operator. He told me they had rooms available. Then,
because duh for him—he put the phone down without putting me on hold—I heard
him tell an associate that I was the guy who complained Saperstein was
violating his civil rights. I booked
through Booking.com but cancelled because I felt threatened and intimidated by
these antics.
Letter to
Office of Civil Rights, United States Department of Justice
to Office of Civil Rights, United States Department of Justice
1841—Conspiracy Against Rights by former government officials Jay Lefkowitz,
David Saperstein and Michael Horowitz and Roy Pomerantz, self-described
“college friend” of JL
Page 2
May 2,
information: as a direct result of these latest stunts I am having even more
problems with PTSD and flashbacks and concentration, etc. I am extremely
disoriented and got all lost on the Metro yesterday. Got on the wrong train
like twice.
information: in 2005, Saperstein, acting with malice and forethought and
knowing his illegal edict would cause me medical injury because he knew I was
already fighting bad depression and was extremely isolated banned me from RAC
in direct coordination with the government contractor, Hudson Institute
that fired me and Michael Horowitz and by extension Jay Lefkowitz in the Bush
White House after they all read New York Daily News columnist Lloyd Grove
quoting me saying the Bush White House got me fired from Hudson. Sapertein’s wife, Ellen Weiss, was a top NPR
official (and for years until she blacklisted and fired Juan Williams) and
clearly read the article, which was, I
know from my own reporting “the talk of the town.”
It was read and discussed by officials of the
NY Times DC bureau (1) and bureau chief Phil Taubmann sp? Additionally, Hudson
had a clipping service so everybody at Hudson, particularly MH, would have been
notified about it. This was also
basically pre-internet and “everybody”—ie the media and political elites read
Lloyd Grove’s column closely since he was a WaPo veteran and had written a
similar one for that liberal broadsheet.
article clearly set off alarm bells among Saperstein’s White House
conspirators. Although I had been saying
online, on my Chimpstein website and in various emails and phone calls to Tim
Goeglein and Jay Lefkowitz that they got me fired—and also to Ari Fleischer,
who hung up on me, but did not deny knowledge of the phone calls, Lloyd’s item
was the first instance of a mainstream reporter reporting the WH/Jay Lefkowitz
Sapertein, acting in coordination with and in tandem with and on behalf of the
WH—ie, as a proxy and conduit, violated the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the ADA
to medically incapacitate me so I could not further expose his WH handlers
illegal activities since said exposure would undermine his own credibility and
power and influence since MH and JL were crucial allies for his RAC on many
That is
why Saperstein, alone among major Jewish leaders, did not condemn Weyrich for saying the Jews
killed Christ or Hudson for firing me.
His silence contradicted the express policies and standards of RAC and
the Union for Reform Judaism and he abrogated the wishes of URJ president Eric
Yoffie and his board members by keeping quiet.
acted purposefully and willfully to harm me and medically incapacitate me and
do it QUICKLY—just weeks after the Lloyd Grove item—because he KNEW that, per
my standard modus operandi, I was going to try an use Lloyd’s item to convince
other reports to write about his WH allies role in my dismissal.
to Office of Civil Rights, United States Department of Justice
1841—Conspiracy Against Rights by former government officials Jay Lefkowitz,
David Saperstein and Michael Horowitz and Roy Pomerantz, self-described
“college friend” of JL
Page 2
May 2,
t worked.
In January 2006, Phil Taubmann sp? then
NYT Washington bureau chief, who had
been familiar with my investigative
reporting since the early 1990s, told me he was interested in reporting the WH
role in my dismissal. But I soon got so
badly depressed due to the RAC ban that I never followed up.
high-priced whore, oh, excuse me, I meant Patton Boggs partner, then employed
CPUSA innuendo that I was mentally unhinged in response to his lawsuit; making
statements that he could not possibly believe were true.
New Info:
In direct coordination with Michael Horowitz, Saperstein also lied to Paul
Weyrich about me, the same way MH with his help in the course of criminally
harassing my father, lied to him about me and told him I was acting
deranged and was a danger to myself and
others and might get arrested when I was really just doing standard
investigative reporting and exposing all of them. This was intended to frighten Weyrich so he
would in turn pressure me to keep quiet and not exercising my rights.
Saperstein acted with malice and
forethought because he knew Weyrich was beset with basically every malady a
person could possibly have except for cancer---class act, David!—and that he
was very worried about me and this would cause him considerable fright and
fear. Saperstein made demonstrably false
statements that he knew were false and could not possibly believe and had no
reason to believe. Saperstein is a
lawyer; he knew very well that everything I did was fully protected by the
First Amendment and did not even approach the outer boundaries and that nobody
even had accused me of harassing them or even TOLD me not contact them. His story was an utter fabrication; just like
the stuff that Lillian Hellman peddled
in her “memoir” for her secret Soviet masters.
David and MH are like pedophile
priests and I am the altar boy. They are compulsive. Just can’t control
themselves. They do the same depraved and impulsive act again and again to
satisfy their urgings. It had been three
years since they pulled the same CPUSA criminal stunt with my father. And that
didn’t kill him off. So they decided to give it a whirl with Weyrich? An easier mark since my father was in good
health and PW was in bad shape.
Saperstein’s filthy lies were probably disseminated to paulwey@freecongress.org;
so they can be retrieved. I have in my file his response to the lies they told.
And, by
the way, if I was so deranged why were they calling PW? Why not go to a judge
and have me committed? Or let the person supposedly subjected to my supposed
instabilities file a complaint. If I
was that out of control what good would talking to PW do? He had no financial
control over me.
Per my
phone call to the FBI earlier this week (memory problems) after the Lloyd Grove
article was published my brother—in-law Roy Pomerantz, a self-described
“college friend” of JL who was frightened that me linking them publicly would
ruin his business, located in a dilapidated section of Queens, committed felony
unlawful imprisonment of my mother and father to try and shut me up. Came home early ushered them into his
bedroom, closed the door screamed and yelled at them aid they could never see
his kids again if I wrote about him and by extension JL again. He physically obstructed my mother when she
tried to leave. I later called 911 from 212-744-2145; the cops went to his
house probably stayed there and asked questions for like 20 minutes. Incidentally,
Roy for like 10 years used an illegal immigrant nanny, Lorna from the
Phillipines, and for some strange reason—gee what could it be—always paid her
hefty salary in cash. His lawyer Marc Landis coordinated his little felony and
more recently did, with Roy, more ACH to shut me up. Right after I was loud about his apparent tax evasion,
documentation to be submitted separately to request expedited review.
submitted with faith in the American people,
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