Exclusive: Tucker Carlson Once Accused of Rape in New Hampshire
Adapted from Tucker Carlson, Christian Right Co-Founder Paul Weyrich (who also coined the term "pro-life), Louis E. Chimpstein & Me: the shockingly putrescent yet patriotic story of how "everybody" in Washington acts when they think "nobody" is watching . . . but hopefully inspirational moral of the story nobody in Washington is "a nobody" unless he acts like one or ALLOWS others to treat him like one
EXCLUSIVE: Tucker Carlson Beat New Hampshire Sex Rap with Bob Bennett's Help
--Did a liberal bleeding heart judge let Tucker off the hook?
--Since when does Tucker Carlson believe in the presumption of innocence for criminal suspects?
--No mention of rape charge on Google.
--But Carlson and Robert "Bob" Bennett made oblique references to it when the DC Super Lawyer appeared on Tucker's MSNBC show to promote his memoir.
--Tucker had mentioned his side of the story to this press columnist/hatchet man for New York Post editorial page editor Eric Breindel on several occasions, including once during a Daily Caller editorial meeting, and also when he took him out to a streak lunch in 2015.
--Pressed for comment, Bennett first feigned incomprehension and apparently lied that he did not receive postal mail inquiry, then, in the face of a withering follow-up, offered a crafty non-denial denial that raises more questions than it answers.
(Gahr was fired by Daily Caller co-owner Neil Patel, the Dick Cheney affirmative action hire, with subsequent full support from Carlson, on December 7, 2016--i.e, the neo-con Pearl Harbor--for denouncing Christian Right anti-Semitism and for suing their fellow travelers at the Hudson Institute for religious discrimination for firing him under White House pressure.
Patel struts around the office with the ostentatious macho belligerence of somebody who is really an insecure miserable wretch because he has failed all four or five FDA approved oral medications for ED and hasn't been able to schlong his wife or girlfriend in like eight years and is now buying the unapproved stuff that, per the exclusive report here, picked up by Page Six and the Daily Caller Herman Cain hawks--i.e snake oil for the one-eyed snake. Patel did not reply tor repeated inquiries about whether his wife has gone for a whirl with Wesley Lowery since he apparently can't meet her needs.)
Shooting down Gahr's request to do a story on the first sexual harassment lawsuit against Armstrong Williams--i.e, Roy Cohn in dark face--because "anybody" so to speak can be wrongly accused of sexual marauding.
He specifically talked about how the New Hampshire DA "indicted me" for rape, without any evidence.
10/28/2017 UPDATED: Is that really the case?
To use a great expression, back when queer did not mean gay, that the father of my grandmother Ruth Goldstock, the whole reason I went into journalism, employed, it could be true for all I know but it sure sounds mighty queer to me. ("Grandpa Davey" also had another great expression that anticipated "cluster fucked" decades in advance. When somebody was squashed between two awful alternatives he called it "caught between the shit and the stink.")
--In 40 minutes or so conversation with detective in the New Hampshire Attorney General's office, detective walks the phone enthusiast, as Betsy dubbed Evan Gahr, through arduous steps of finding the complaint and, if Tucker is telling the truth, dismissal.
There is no central state database for these kind of things, he explained, so it is necessary to call all the local prosecutors' offices.
--Pressed for comment, Bob Bennett, brother of pre-Vatican 2 Catholic Bill Bennett, who never condemned Paul Weyrich for saying the Jews killed Christ--gee, Bill, talk about the death of outrage!!!--first professed total incomprehension and ignorance regarding the incident. Then, when baited further, suddenly "remembered" that he didn't think Carlson was ever indicted.
That is a deft non-denial denial.
That wording suggests he worked out some kind of deal to avoid an indictment--or convinced the local prosecutor there was insufficient evidence. But, of course, insufficient evidence does not mena no evidence and a total fabrication, as Carlson contended to the Washington Gadfly (so dubbed by Lloyd Grove.)
There was clearly back and forth between Bennett and the local authorities. Kind of like the charges against WaPo non-affirmative action hire Wesley Lowery for his arrest during the Ferguson protests were dropped in a deal negotiated with my pal, WaPo general counsel Jay Kennedy.
So, Tucker, what is the NAME of your accuser?
Are you going to release the complaint? Or do I need to get it myself. How long would that take? I could probably get it, working full time, in about two days. Or, more specifically, determine where the charges were made. It would probably take an open records request to obtain the actual complaint.
What is her name? (Assuming the accuser is female). Did this woman know you at all? What were your prior interactions with her? Have you paid her any hush money? Does FNC know about this charge? Did you inform FNC before they hired you?
Why should anybody just take your word that the allegation and apparent indictment was utterly baseless?
It's well to note that your accuser--unlike all the women who accused Trump of sexual misconduct during the campaign--did not seek publicity.
On Mar 24, 2017, at 11:13 AM, Bennett, Robert S. <robert.bennett@hoganlovells.
> My memory is not great but I don’t think Tucker was indicted. Who is Patel?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Evan Gahr [mailto:washingtongadfly@
> Sent: Friday, March 24, 2017 10:56 AM
> To: Bennett, Robert S.
> Cc: EvanGahr; Erik Wemple; wesley.lowery@washpost.com; tips@mediaite.com; phil.griffin@nbcuni.com; TalkToTimea@gmail.com; talk@talkingpointsmemo.com; dylan.byers@turner.com; stein@huffingtonpost.com; ryan@huffingtonpost.com; Daniel Lathrop
> Subject: Bob Bennett feigns incomprehension about Tucker Carlson indictment and questions re Bill Bennett apparent collusion with Michael Horowitz AEI NR fed ex stunt
> Sorry for the confusion. I must have suddenly become an oblique and convoluted writer. I will call u sometime to discuss. Here maybe this can clear ur confusion since I am such a mumble jumble writer, 1. Tucker had u on his show circa 2007 to promote ur book. He said obliquely u helped him with a problem. U made an oblique confirmation. In 2015 and 2016 and at an editorial meeting he mentioned being indicted for some kind of sex assault by nh da to reject my proposed article on Armstrong sex harass lawsuit number one. I.e. Anybody can be wrongly accused of this stuff wrongly like me. Wrongly??? Of course wrongly I trust Tucker. But per Reagan let's trust but verify. Show me the papers--court doc. Don't conservatives have that ethos for Latinos. Re Bill when did he last talk to Neil Patel? Did he collide or inspire or embolden Michael Horowitz criminal harass of me and mom and. 🙊daf
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Mar 24, 2017, at 9:04 AM, Bennett, Robert S. <robert.bennett@hoganlovells.
>> Never received your earlier letter.I am not sure what you are asking
>> me.Have a good day
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Mar 24, 2017, at 8:05 AM, Evan Gahr <washingtongadfly@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> U ignored my letter? So Bill is all layered up and u r his lawyer!
>>> When was the last time he talked to Dick Cheney affirmative action
>>> hire Neil Patel? So u got Tucker off the hook on some kind of assault
>>> charge in NH. He kept mentioning 2 me -- says he is lnnocent? Did u
>>> luck out with a liberal out of control soft on criminals judge?? Do u
>>> and Bill who to this day has not denounced Weyrich and has known Me
>>> quasi personally think u can just minimize as a Paula jones making
>>> outlandish claim? Everything in my case matter of public record since ----- Message truncated -----
![]() | Evan Gahr |
Bennett feigns incomprehension about Tucker Carlson indictment and
questions re Bill Bennett apparent collusion with Michael Horowitz AEI
NR fed ex stunt 6 messages |
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