EXCLUSIVE David Saperstein Under Court Investigation for Attorney Misconduct
Adapted from Tucker Carlson, Paul Weyrich, Louis E. Chimpsten & Me: the shockingly putrescent but patriotic story of how "everybody" in Washington acts when they think "nobody" is watching
Update: 05/07/2017
Saperstein has probably retained an eight hundred dollars per hour lawyer to respond to this complaint to the Office of Disciplinary Counsel of the District of Columbia Court of Appeals
Now, let's see whose career is ultimately destroyed.
1. David Saperstein, a rabbi and lawyer and longtime Georgetown law school professor who just served as Special Envoy for Religious Freedom Abroad for Secretary of State John Kerry, is a decidedly creepy amalgam of a Catholic Bishop cover-up artist and the rabbi on “Seinfeld” who blabbed stuff Jerry or somebody told him in confidence to the entire world, on his radio show or something.
Mr. Saperstein entered into a formal
attorney-client relationship with me when he agreed to provide legal and
religious counsel in connection with my dismissal from the Hudson Institute and
the FedEx ACH of my own father by Hudson Institute Michael Horowitz when he
was anticipating litigation.
The ensuing discussions about my
options, involved specific legal matters, including Title 7. More details
Petitioner is well aware that most
of this stuff falls outside your purview and has, accordingly, been referred
for adjudication and investigation to MPD,
the FBI and the Office
of Civil Rights of the United States
Department of Justice for adjudication and investigation.
But it provides important and
necessary context for the attorney misconduct complaint mailed from NYC on
Friday, if memory serves, after I spoke at length about all this stuff with the
lawyer on call or whatever the proper term is, explaining that I was frightened
and wanted to just make a preliminary complaint on the phone so Saperstein, who
doesn’t tell anymore lies about me. ( I
learned from reporting on Anita Hill
shortly after arriving in DC and working for the Washington Times magazine it
is important in Washington to keep contemporaneous records about everything and
have contemporaneous conversations.)
Namely, the willful and deliberate
attorney misconduct by Mr. Saperstein
was not just the typical stuff of an avaricious and mendacious lawyer taking
advantage of a vulnerable client (which I most definitely was, unemployed,
unmarried, socially isolated, no family in the Washington area where I resided
when Saperstein was purporting to provide me legal and religious counsel,
fighting unipolar major depressive disorder which I also discussed with him)
It was
actually part and parcel of a civil and criminal conspiracy by a) Neo-Con Fifth
Columnist David Saperstein, who just
served as John Kerry State Department’s Special Envoy for Religious Freedom Abroad, and b) his secret ally,
former Reagan White House OMB general
counsel Michael Horowitz and c) the Bush
White House (namely his other secret ally Jay Lefkowitz and MH’s cousin) to
deprive me of my civil rights under the law and First Amendment rights and
religious freedom and religious rights.
It continues literally to this day
with Saperstein and his fellow travelers
Barbara Weinstein and Jonah Pesner,
nominal director of the Political Action Center, officially known as RAC or Religious Action Center, per my pending federal lawsuit and my
complaint to the District of Columbia
Human Rights Commission, for public accommodations discrimination--i.e,
barring me from his conference later
this month because he doesn’t want me asking him about this stuff in front of
other folks with whom he enjoys a lustrous
relationship, including Senators and congressmen.
Since January and continuing until
shortly before petitioner called your office, clearly troubled and
traumatized and frightened, speaking with somebody, a man who sounded
white, on Friday afternoon, I have made
repeated and private and semi-private entreaties to Cardinal Saperstein to
handle this matter privately and amicably.
I want him to stop harming me and my family
and stop violating my civil rights to pre-empt me publicly questioning him
about all this.
But I am kind of a naive chimp and
all my entreaties, clearly emotional and made by somebody in immense pain, were
to no avail. I asked for nothing but
honesty and respect--namely that he simply answer my questions about this
matter of public concern like he would from any other reporter.
I abhor empathy and purporting to know how
somebody feels--that is piss poor journalism--but with that caveat I kind of
feel like a an altar boy getting ignored by the Cardinal who he knows, and the
Cardinal knows, is part of a big cover-up.
Except I am a Jewish chimp, with a phone and computer and, most
troubling to David, thus his banning me from RAC and RAC public events, a video
camera. .
with whom I previously enjoyed a longstanding lustrous relationship, just like
altar boys do with the Cardinal, also
has shades of a pedophile priest--i.e, he both covered up the crime and
participating in it
I have known David since 1991 and
previously quoted him favorably for conservative publications, such as the Wall
Street Journal and Insight Magazine of the Washington Times, which are
considerable hostile to his organization’s goals and political
priorities and activism and even, politically speaking, Reform Judaism--i.e,
one conservative writer, National
Review honcho Richard “Rick” Brookhiser famously called Reform Judaism the
Democratic Party but with holidays. (And
then Mona Charen who along with Herb
London and Ken Weinstein fired me
from Hudson thanks to Saperstein’s ally Jay Lefkowitz quoted that right-wing
claptrap and agitprop favorably.)
In a “hit piece” for the Wall Street
Journal on my scoop on Hillary Clinton funding PLO front groups in the late
1980s as chairman of a left-wing philanthropy, the New World Foundation, I praised Mr. Saperstein for his considerable
integrity and honesty.
Again, this may sound extraneous to
whoever is handling this investigation but it provides proper context for
evaluating the seriousness of his egregious midsconudct and betrayal.
I was not some random client David picked up
just months earlier and decided to scam on
a whim.
I had known David for 22 years when he
committed wilful attorney misconduct and was able to do so without me catching
even the slight whiff of his blood libel stained shit precisely because I naively and desperately and frantically put my total trust and faith in him, thereby
ditching my usual skepticism and scrutiny that I reply reflexively for any
Washington players with whom I have any kind of relationship
I did this despite, by all accounts, a
brilliant reporter and investigative reporter. I just sparked an investigation
by the Senate Homeland Security Committee and the Department of Homeland
Security Inspector General because I busted the ICE press secretary for
violating the Privacy Act by trying to secretly smear a whistleblower, who
testified before Congress to me.
If the attitude of whoever handling
this complaint is, “thanks for sharing, Evan, but what makes you think I should care one way or the other whether or
not you’re a good reporter?” here is the reason why you should care and why it
is directly relevant for you evaluating the seriousness of Saperstein's
deliberate transgressions.
I was
trained by classic New York Times
man Richard Bernstein to always
be “skeptical” even with or particularly with as I interpreted his guidance and
mentorship folks with whom I am personally or ideologically sympathetic
I should not have even gone to
David for legal and religious help. I
pride myself on eschewing regular personal relationships with anybody I write
about and establishing clear boundaries, even amidst the camaraderie and paling
around and highly sympathetic and ferocious
reporting to expose folks like Saperstein who are harming them.
But I was desperate and scared and
could not think right. David, knew all
that, and used it to his advantage and my ex-employer’s advantage and his White
House allies advantage.
Saperstein’s willful attorney misconduct was intended cover up for
a felony he aided and abetted and greenlighted (ipso post facto negligent
intentional infliction of emotional distress, per pending New York State
claim) committed by his crypto-neo-con
ally, Michael Horowitz of the Hudson
Institute, my ex-employer, namely his
FedEx ACH of my father to shut me up after Hudson fired me and I linked the
dismissal to the Bush White House (i.e, MH’s cousin OMB general counsel Jay “ a
little anti-Semitism is good for the Jews” Lefkowitz occurred with his advance
knowledge and collusion and, based on information and belief, his encouragement.
The Lefkowitz quote is real and well
known in Washington quarters. even though it might sound like parody to whoever
is reading this and is indicative of the cover-up by him and other neo-con Show
Jews, particularly MH, to cover-up for Christian Right and Church anti-Semitism.
Saperstein personally knows about
the quote, since it created quite a stir when Jay uttered it to the New York
Times magazine to defend Pat Robertson against charges of anti-Semitism after
Michael Lind revealed in the New York Review of Books that he had used classic
anti-Semtiic conspiracy theories in his hitherto obscure books some years
The following coordination with and
collusion between David Saperstein and my ex-employer Hudson Institute/Michael Horowitz, former Reagan DOJ
official, and the Bush White House, including but not
limited to OMB general counsel Jay “a little anti-Semitism is good for the
Jews” while Saperstein purported to be acting as my lawyer and rabbi was determined
on April 10, 2017.
Saperstein, a Georgetown law school
longtime professor and expert on civil rights law and a rabbi, entered into a
formal attorney client relationship with me when I sought is religious and
legal help in connection with my dismissal from the Hudson Institute and the
ACH by FedEx of my father to shut me up by Saperstein’s key associate and ally,
Hudson Institute fellow Michael Horowitz, while he was anticipating litigation
and after being told to cease and desist all communications.
It now turns out Saperstein was
running interference for Horowitz and by extension, the Bush White House,
namely his ally OMB general counsel Jay “a little anti-Semitism is good for the
Jews” Lefkowitz the whole time he purported to be providing me religious and
legal counsel.
Said interference included talking
to MH about me without my permission and lying to me and telling me I had no
legal avenues to pursue when the obvious one I had was filing a tortious
interference with contract lawsuit against Lefkowitz, Karl Rove, Tim Goeglein and Gary Bauer who he knew very well
conspired to coerce Hudson Institute president
Herb London into firing me two months before my contract was due to run out.
Herb London into firing me two months before my contract was due to run out.
He also divulged confidential
information about me to his staff, Paul Weyrich and, most likely, other
interested third parties with the obvious attempt to shut me up and pacif me so
I would not be loud and sue his White House allies who he did NOT disclose to
me were in fact his allies.
While “counseling” me Saperstein did not disclose
his obvious conflict of interest that he was working with MH to get Jay
Lefkowitz named Special Envoy for North Korea, etc.
Publicly confronted and cced with my
statement, under penalty of perjury to the Inspector General of the Department
of Homeland Security, who knows me personally since he launched an
investigation based on my scoop of an ICE press secretary smearing
whistleblower Taylor Johnson, the voluble Saperstein said nothing in
Everything else, however horrific and counter-intuitive it
might sound at first, like Hudson Institute claiming they summarily and
suddenly dismissed a highly-regarded employee they had just months earlier
promised indefinite employment because of his improper use of a stuffed chimp
in a television debate, is a matter of public record, including the 2005 New
York Daily News article by Lloyd Grove,
which prompted Saperstein to summarily bar me from ever setting foot in the
Religious Action Center again, where he purported to be counseling me, right
after I publicly accused him of betraying my confidences to Michael Horowitz
and otherwise running interference for him.
In fact, this week, per my new
federal lawsuit, Mr. Saperstein formally re-instituted the ban without
articulating a nondiscriminatory reason and proceeded, in the course of wishing
me Happy Passover, to illegal deny me press credentials/service at his event
later this month essentially open to the public. Exhibit A
Mr. Saperstein does not dispute these
assertions that have repeatedly been made public, indeed directly to him, with
other reporters CCed, as well as the DH IG, which makes them basically said
under penalty of perjury and are in court documents as well.
Mr. Saperstein knew in advance
Hudson Institute fellow Michael Horowitz, anticipating litigation, was going to
criminally harass this reporter’s father, with a menacing and deceitful phone
call and then a FedEx package full of lies,
to shut him up over the Bush White House--i.e, his own cousin OMB
general counsel Jay “a little anti-Semitism is good for the Jews” Lefkowitz
getting him fired from Hudson by having Karl
Rove get his aide Tim Goeglein,
with Gary Bauer coordinating, threaten Herb
London with loss of contracts if he did not dismiss the younger Gahr.
Saperstein not only failed to exercise his influence and authority over
Horowitz to prevent it and, it seems, supported his efforts and coordinated
with him and encouraged him.
Oblivious to all this, around 2003, plaintiff sought confidential
legal and pastoral counseling from Mr. Saperstein, who is a lawyer, civil
rights law expert, and fervent advocate for civil rights, on the forefront of
civil rights activism, just like Jewish CPUSA members were and also a longtime
Georgetown law school professor
The FedEx stunt was a frequent
discussion topic and the source of considerable pain and anguish for Gahr.
Despite multiple conversations,
Saperstein failed to disclose that he a)had independent knowledge of it from MH
and b)failed to prevent and c) it seems, encouraged it
Saperstein, worse yet, acted as Gahr’ rabbi
and lawyer the way “Phillip” and “Elizabeth” on “The Americans” act as travel
His handler was Michael Horowitz instead of “Claudia” or “Gabriel,”
who then reported to OMB general counsel Jay Lefkowitz, the way the
aforementioned do to Moscow.
The goal, just like Phillip and
Elizabeth wish to subvert America while purporting to be patriotic, was to subvert and harm Gahr and advance the
interests of Michael Horowitz and Jay Lefkowitz.
In fact, while Saperstein was” counseling” Gahr he was, at the request of
Michael Horowitz, helping get Lefkowitz, who has no foreign policy experience, named Special Envoy for North Korea.
10. Saperstein did not disclose his obvious
conflict of interest to Gahr: by “counseling” Gahr not to talk publicly about
Lefkowitz he was actually acting in tandem with MH and Lefkowitz and trying to
get him confirmed. Keeping Gahr quiet about Lefkowitz was crucial to
insuring he got confirmed since Lefkowitz, as Saperstein knew, had violated the
law by getting Gahr fired from Hudson, both contract law and the First
Saperstein betrayed confidences and repeatedly told Michael Horowitz
about his conversations with Gahr and the fact that they were working
together. He also betrayed confidences
to staff members.
could not have determined this from any other source as nobody else in Washington
but Saperstein and Paul Weyrich knew Saperstein was purporting to counsel him
and Weyrich had no professional relationship with MH of any kind.
Based on information and believe, Weyrich did not even know MH’s name.
Saperstein deliberately ran interference for Lefkowitz and Horowitz by lying to
Gahr and repeatedly telling him starting around 2003 to “move forward” because
he had no legal options and, trying to pacify him, told the acclaimed
investigative reporter not to even talk publicly about his dismissal from
Specifically, not to protest and mock Hudson for claiming he was fired for
using a stuffed chimp in a television debate, which Gahr had named “Louis E.
Chimpstein,” attracting considerable press
coverage for the appellation.
8. Actually,
Saperstein, a longtime Georgetown Law School professor knew very well, that Gahr had a prima facie
case against Lefkowitz and Karl Rove and Tim
Goeglein for tortious interference with contract, which Gahr had exposed
through his reporting and Weyrich had
attested to in writing in an email Saperstein knew about
9. The Statute of Limitations on TIWC is,based
on information and belief, three years.
Mr. Saperstein intensified his “counseling” in 2004 when the statute of limitation on the 2001
when SOL on the 2001 TIWC by Jay
Lefkowitz was about to run out. As the Church Lady of SNL fame would say, well,
isn’t that convenient.
Mr. Saperstein told Gahr he had no legal options even though he knew Hudson is
a government contractor and could have filed a complaint with the OFCCP
How could Saperstein tell Gahr he had no legal options when he surely knew that
suing MH
harassment or filing a police report was an option? Saperstein Banned Evan
Gahr From RAC right after the SOL on the TIWC claim ran out
“Counseled” Gahr about the Michael Horowitz FedEx Stut But Did Not Tell Him
That He Enabled MH and Encouraged Him to Do it
Around 2004 Saperstein trying to
convince Evan Gahr from exposing MH told him how his father, a rabbi, got
harassing phone calls after David Saperstein publicly criticized the NAACP
successor to Ben Hooks for paling around with Louis Farrakhan
Right. Except David’s father got a
few random calls he was not subjected to a civil criminal conspiracy which it
turns out my “rabbi” and “lawyer” was a central player .
With similar duplicity, Saperstein
went on and on about how Title cases are so hard to win, telling him an
elaborate story about somebody he knew who had a great case but lost.
They certainly are hard to win. They
certainly are hard to win.
But as Saperstein knows TIWC cases
are much easier to win, especially against government officials, like OMB
general counsel Jay Lefkowitz. So this
was a bait and switch effort on this part.
Convince Gahr that he had no discrimination claims so he would get
disheartened and conclude he had no other claims. Even though Saperstein knew
full well he did.
He also should have advised me to
file a complaint with MPD about the MH Fed Ex stunt. Except, of course, David
didn’t do that since, unbeknownst to me until last week, he was involved with
the FedEx ACH.
Mr. Saperstein, an expert on civil
rights law, should have advised me to
file a complaint with the Office of Federal Contract Compliance since as he
knew or should have known Hudson is a government contractor but failed to do
Mr. Saperstein knew I could have
sued his ally Jay Lefkowitz and Karl Rove and his aide Tim Goeglein under the
federal torts act but deliberately failed to advise me of that option.
Mr. Saperstein knew I could have
sued Karl Rove for getting me fired the same way Valerie Plame sued Karl Rove
for outing her but did not advise me to do so and, again, insisted I had no
options and should “move forward.”
Move forward? Really? This from a guy who says
seeking justice is central to Judaism?
He is telling me to move forward and not seek justice--i.e, sue people
about something that just happened three years ago?
Saperstein, in one intenses bit of “counseling” even referenced the Andrew Goodman foundation and Carolyn
Goodman to make some kind of (in retrospect I realize) specious argument
about why I should not sue anybody. The
late Carolyn Goodman started that for her son after he was killed along with
another Jewish civil rights worker and a black civil rights worker in
Philadelphia, Mississippi in June 1964.
as a proxy for Michael Horowitz, Saperstein expelled Evan Gahr from RAC just
weeks after Lloyd Grove quoted him in the New York Daily News saying the Bush
White House--i.e, Jay Lefkowitz got him fired from Hudson
Based on information and belief, both
Saperstein and Horowitz read the piece and Saperstein as trying to protect
Michael Horowitz and harm and incapacitated Gahr by banning him from RAC.
Saperstein abruptly terminated the
client relationship in 2005 by some strange coincidence right around the same
time that the SOL on the TIWC claims against his White House allies ran
out. To quote the Church Lady character
from SNL, well, it’s that convenient
did not disclose to Gahr while “counseling” him his multitude of conflicts of
was allied with MH and by extension the Hudson Institute, which, of course, had just fired Gahr
Saperstein was working with MH on
multiple projects, most notably getting
Jay Lefkowitz confirmed as Special Envoy for North Korea
At MH’s request, Saperstein praised Lefkowitz as a great
choice even though he knew that Jay was actually, by statute, unqualified for
the position since he had no foreign policy experience and the position
required extensive foreign policy experience
Saperstein praised to New York Sun
reporter Eli Like his neo-con ally Jay
Lefkowitz as a great coalition
The only coalition he is known to
have built is the one that got me fired.
harassed Evan Gahr on the morning of the first day of Passover, expressly
disregarding his instructions, as well as same to underlings/fellow travelers
Barbara Weinstein, to cease and desist all private communications and talk
publicly on Twitter and/or the phone only
They were told that I consider
private communications creepy and intimidating because are legally irrelevant,
which his why I told him repeatedly not to do and to call anyway and because
such communications are medically and professionally injurious to me
Since January, Saperstein has
ignored repeated emails/voice mails and entreaties from Evan Gahr to settle
these matters privately and amicably. Starting with simply just answering
questions. Ditto for staffers
Barbara Weinstein and Jonah Pesner .
All were repeatedly asked to tell MH
to stop what law enforcement authorities consider ACH and criminal coercion
against him, citing their affirmative duty to do so under the doctrine of
negative infliction of emotional distress.
The first request simply asked for a
conference call with Saperstein and MH
Saperstein and his fellow travelers
were also asked to either lift the RAC ban immediately or provide a legitimate
non-discriminatory reason for the exclusion.
They ignored every single
Gahr petitioned Judge Emmett
Sullivan to re-open his 2006 lawsuit against Saperstein for the ban.
He also filed a complaint with the
DC Human Rights Commission against Jonah
Pesner for currently banning him.
Barbara Weinstein and
Jonah Pesner and Saperstein were notified about all of these protected
activities, some of them on Sunday April 9, if memory serves or over the
Acting with obvious and forethought,
Saperstein on Monday morning emailed privately as he was expressly instructed
not to do and proceeded to lie to Evan about the reason for the ban and Michael
The communication was deemed
criminal harassment and reported as such to
MPD and the FBI.
Even more disconcerting, Saperstein
and Weinstein and Pesner did not respond to multiple communications explaining
yet again the communication was threatening and intimidating and asking them to
simply confirm they would talk publicly in the future.
Multiple subsequent communications
to settle things amicably were also ignored.
It is well to note, to use a great
Eric phrase, that at the time of this willful attorney misconduct Saperstein
was talking regularly to Michael Horowitz.
In case he starts lying to you about that and saying they actually conversed
infrequently here are the names of some folks who can clear up the
confusion. His former press secretary
Alexis Rice, GWU friend of my
ex-girlfriend or kinda girls friend at the time Gretchen Ehle. She once did an imitation for us of Michael
calling, noting how he calls constantly, and demanding that David be located so
he can talk to him IMMEDIATELY. I don’t
know the RAC phone system now but when Cardinal Saperstein was “counseling” me
they had an office-wide loudspeaker since the Religious Action Center is
multi-level former mansion in Dupont Circle. So “everybody” knew when MH was
calling and lookign for David. Alexis is
a sweet girl and it is very painful for me to put her in the middle of this.
And I told David I would need to do so if he
keeps lying about me to his current staff and violating my civil rights I would
need to do so. But he ignored me. So, in order to inculcate myself and my
family against further harm, I have no viable choice but to do so.
Ditto for his secretary back then,
Daphne sp?
Respectfully submitted for your consideration,
to use the great phrase of Joe Rauh, with faith in the American People and, the
good folks of the District of Columbia Courts,
Evan Gahr
-------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Evan Gahr
To: ramag@aol.com
Cc: dsaperstein@rac.org, David DeJesus, Daniel Lathrop
, Erik Wemple
, wesley.lowery@washpost.com,
lloyd.grove@thedailybeast.com, maggie.haberman@nytimes.com,
tuckerscarlson@gmail.com, betsy@dailycaller.com,
phil.griffin@nbcuni.com, washington@nytimes.com, info@naacp.net, Michael
Date: Mon, 1 May 2017 23:31:37 -0400
Subject: Teacher Gellman
I am an abuse victim Saperstein is the. Abuser he violated my trust and harmed me with his words and illegal RAC ban edict just as badly as a priest violates an altar boy by shoving his dick u his ass and perforating his rectum leaving him probably wounded for years just like David did to me we should talk on the phone bc I want to hear ur voice but if we miss each other I just need u to pray for me as I asked my real friend not a DC friend and a serious Catholic about my age so serious that she has like nine kids haha that I not per ur teaching and Weyrich succumbbto anger and rage even though he harmed my parents also by covering for mh and as I just determined GREENLighting his fed ex ACH of dr gahr got that he COULD have stopped MH but did NOT did worse than said nothing and looked the other way per my reporting he ENCOURAGEd it
But his effort continuing literally to this day to destroy me and terrorize my parents --cuyrenyltt drigjtening thembecause he banned me fro
His RAC irk conference just minutes from where I am now is FAILING my new wash post pals are following this closely and will almost surely report this when he responds in court papers David is a bully and a dumb fuck and thinks they won't and r blacklisting me for my hit pieces on them victory is assured I am a strong Chimp and come from a strong Chimp family I am getting special psychological treatment from a ptsd expert because of David I found the right guy for me and my "animals" I can tell from our conversation a few minutes ago 🐵🐵🐵🐵🐵David could have destroyed me. It he failed my book length esaay is going to be explosive and I'll probably fall in love again and get married to a short Jewish girl or shiksa convert ha ha in two years or less and my mother and father it is a safe bet despite David and Michael Horowitz's best efforts to give them fatal strokes are gonna be there also with gratitude EvanGahr press columnist for Eric pa Phil aGriffin is not blacklisting me either even though I gave his lawyers thanks to my reporting and betsys enough extra billable hours to support aCOKE habit the truth will come out soon enough and then even Putin won't want David for his television station (inside media joke)
Sent from my iPhone
Evan Gahr
-------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Evan Gahr
To: ramag@aol.com
Cc: dsaperstein@rac.org, David DeJesus
Date: Mon, 1 May 2017 23:31:37 -0400
Subject: Teacher Gellman
I am an abuse victim Saperstein is the. Abuser he violated my trust and harmed me with his words and illegal RAC ban edict just as badly as a priest violates an altar boy by shoving his dick u his ass and perforating his rectum leaving him probably wounded for years just like David did to me we should talk on the phone bc I want to hear ur voice but if we miss each other I just need u to pray for me as I asked my real friend not a DC friend and a serious Catholic about my age so serious that she has like nine kids haha that I not per ur teaching and Weyrich succumbbto anger and rage even though he harmed my parents also by covering for mh and as I just determined GREENLighting his fed ex ACH of dr gahr got that he COULD have stopped MH but did NOT did worse than said nothing and looked the other way per my reporting he ENCOURAGEd it
But his effort continuing literally to this day to destroy me and terrorize my parents --cuyrenyltt drigjtening thembecause he banned me fro
His RAC irk conference just minutes from where I am now is FAILING my new wash post pals are following this closely and will almost surely report this when he responds in court papers David is a bully and a dumb fuck and thinks they won't and r blacklisting me for my hit pieces on them victory is assured I am a strong Chimp and come from a strong Chimp family I am getting special psychological treatment from a ptsd expert because of David I found the right guy for me and my "animals" I can tell from our conversation a few minutes ago 🐵🐵🐵🐵🐵David could have destroyed me. It he failed my book length esaay is going to be explosive and I'll probably fall in love again and get married to a short Jewish girl or shiksa convert ha ha in two years or less and my mother and father it is a safe bet despite David and Michael Horowitz's best efforts to give them fatal strokes are gonna be there also with gratitude EvanGahr press columnist for Eric pa Phil aGriffin is not blacklisting me either even though I gave his lawyers thanks to my reporting and betsys enough extra billable hours to support aCOKE habit the truth will come out soon enough and then even Putin won't want David for his television station (inside media joke)
Sent from my iPhone




"The director of the
religious action center, Rabbi David Saperstein, who has also worked to bring
attention to the human rights crisis in North Korea, said Mr. Lefkowitz was
qualified for the envoy position. "Jay has proved himself to be very wise
politically, a great coalition builder, and he clearly has the trust of the
president in the White House, and that is the most important characteristic of
the envoy," he said."
Here is one of the coalitions Jay


November 15, 2005, 12:00 AM
BLOGGER'S MEDICATION CLAIM Bill Clinton has been out of office for nearly five
years, and still the conservatives won't get off the former President's case.
Washington blogger Evan Gahr, who runs the chimpstein.
Web site, yesterday wrote that "a psychiatrist colleague of Clinton's
physician" revealed to him that Clinton is "taking antidepressants.
The 59-year-old Clinton underwent open-heart surgery in September 2004, and
Manhattan psychiatrist Peter Shapiro, who does not treat Clinton, told me that
20% to 30% of heart-surgery patients - compared with 5% to 15% of the general
population - suffer post-operative depression. Yesterday Clinton's spokesman,
Jay Carson, denied that his boss is taking antidepressants. From Tel Aviv,
where the former President is on a well-publicized visit to Israel with his
wife, Sen. Hillary Clinton, Carson E-mailed: "This is totally untrue, but
this kind of fabrication is probably to be expected from a guy who has made his
living attacking President Clinton and was fired from his last job for, among
other things, playing with stuffed animals during a serious TV interview.
Carson is "lying about me, and he's probably lying about Clinton,"
Gahr retorted. "When you work for a known liar, you probably shouldn't
question others' credibility.
Gahr, who in 2001 was fired from his job as a senior fellow at the conservative
Hudson Institute, conceded that he once brandished a stuffed chimp during a
debate on Fox News' "Hannity & Colmes.
he said he was fired at the behest of the Bush White House for criticizing the
Christian right. Gahr told Lowdown his source was Frank T. Miller, a Manhattan
psychiatrist who treats Gahr for depression. Gahr said Miller - who confirmed
his patient's account to me, but declined further comment - made the claim
about Clinton's antidepressant use during Gahr's visit last Friday morning at
Miller's Fifth Ave. office.
May 4, 2001, 12:00 AM
little has been reported about the squabble among conservatives over right-wing
icon Paul Weyrich's talking the same talk that put Charlie Ward of the Knicks
on the hot plate. As you surely must know by now, Ward is a New Testament man
who went back into the old charge that the Jews killed Christ.
that got on the front pages, there were some behind-the-scenes movements to
make sure we didn't find ourselves in the middle of another moment of hysteria
in which Jews were accused of attacking another black man. The point was to get
Ward to back up to at least Vatican II and renounce language that has been a
staple of anti-Semitic types for centuries. As for Weyrich, this gentle
Christian recently published that very same "Jews killed Christ"
charge on his Web site.
was exposed by conservative columnist and investigative reporter Evan Gahr.
Gahr was promptly attacked and painted as "a publicity hound" by
conservative gadfly David Horowitz, whose own most recent claim to publicity
has been his buying ads in college newspapers to argue against the idea of
reparations for American slavery.
In another twist of the knife, Gahr was
informed yesterday that he would soon be relieved of his position at the Hudson
Institute, a conservative think tank. That this story has not made much of a
showing in the ongoing press discussion of identity as determined by public -
or private - statements is more than a bit interesting, particularly in light
of the coverage Ward got for much the same thing. It surely proves there's no
liberal press bias against the conservatives. After all, the so-called liberal
press let off Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.) despite plenty of
proof showing his connection to the Council of Conservative Citizens, more than
a few of whose members consider black people innately inferior to whites.
black politician connected to a group with the opposite view would have gotten
away with it. Imagine, for example, if Colin Powell or Condoleezza Rice had
ever praised the ideas of the Nation of Islam.
if the In fact, he is being treated much the same way that Washington Post
reporter Milton Coleman was when he reported the Hymietown comment that boiled
Jesse Jackson in charges of anti-Semitism for a few years. No one has promised
to "deliver death" to Gahr as Louis Farrakhan did to Coleman. But
Gahr has definitely been stripped of his conservative stripes.
irony is that if he had looked the other way and ignored Weyrich's anti-Semitic
remarks, Gahr would be quite safe now. But dissension in the ranks is a crime
among hard-core ideologues, from the far right to the far left. E-mail:
May 17, 2001, 12:00 AM
it hasn't risen to the level of general public notice, there is a purge going
on in conservative circles that should concern every American. It doesn't
matter that you've probably never heard of the victim. Everyone ought to care -
and raise objections - when people who represent themselves as defenders of
free speech and the American way of life behave, in fact, like totalitarians.
The person being purged is Evan Gahr, a conservative writer and investigative
reporter. It all started when Gahr went after Paul Weyrich, whose status among
Republicans is assured by his position as commander of the right-wing Free
Congress Foundation. Weyrich wrote an Easter message on his Web site that
flailed Jews with the old slur that they killed Christ. Gahr, who happens to be
Jewish, was appalled and went public with his disgust. After that, things
changed for him very quickly. He was attacked by conservative gadfly David
Horowitz, who is also Jewish, and informed that his column would no longer be
welcome at Horowitz's FrontPage Magazine on the Internet. The Hudson Institute,
a conservative think tank, then informed Gahr that the sudden pain he felt in
his backside was the result of its kicking him out. This, despite the fact that
Herb London, head of the institute and himself a Jew, had told the Forward, a
Jewish weekly, that although he did not think Gahr had always acted
professionally, he was in no danger of being dismissed from Hudson because
"at the institute, we don't tell people what to say.
thereafter, Gahr told me, he received an E-mail from the institute's Mona
Charen, a conservative columnist (and also a Jew), alerting him to expect a
call from the head of the Washington office informing him he had been
dismissed. Charen added: "I sincerely hope that you will take this
opportunity to seek psychological or psychiatric help.
It has not stopped there. In his most recent booting, Gahr's name has been
taken off the masthead of The American Enterprise magazine. He was listed as a
contributing writer in the May issue of this journal of politics, business and
culture. He is gone in June. What's more, Karl Zinsmeister, the editor in
chief, has told Gahr he no longer may use the magazine's facilities for
research. Zinsmeister says the problems with Gahr preceded the Weyrich
incident, but that does not justify an apparent purging. We should remember
that Gahr's "offense" was blowing the whistle on a person who had
indulged in anti-Semitism. His action is something that just about everyone
except those who put allegiance to the cause above all else would see as a form
of public service. Gahr's punishment reminds me of Milan Kundera's "The
Book of Laughter and Forgetting.
novel is a satire, often heartbreaking, of Eastern Europe under the Communists.
It was a time when the regime would celebrate a person - until he was purged.
Then his name would disappear from official documents. Then his image would be
airbrushed away.

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