Friday, January 20, 2017

Focus on the Famiy Tim Goeglein Got Jewish Journalist Fired

--at the behest of Karl Rove because he denounced Moral Majority co-founder and Heritage Foundation founder Paul Weyrich for saying the Jews killed Christ.

--Goeglein, also got Hudson Institute to oust Marshall Wittmann, now AIPAC spokesman

--Christian Right leader Gary Bauer, former Reagan White House advisor, colluded with the illegal phone calls.  Rove, for whatever else is faults, is not an anti-Semite.  Nor is he a lawyer.

Rove was clearly oblivious to the legal issues here; otherwise he would not have been enough of a "dumb fuck"--per my grandfather Louis Goldstock's great expression--to leave his fingerprints all over this.  

But Bauer surely understand the legal dynamics and, in non-legal terms, silently acquiesced with evil.  Probably legally complicit as well.  

1.  tortuous interference with contract,
2.  First Amendment violations since Hudson is a government contractor
3. adverse employment actions amounting to illegal discrimination based on religion, under the purview of OFFCP

Hudson VP Curt Smith, a longstanding employee, who took Goeglein's call,  was abruptly fired shortly afterwards. 

--Despite his workplace efficiency-a handful of quick phone calls and presto three ex-Hudson employees, two of them Jewish--Goeglein was subsequently fired by the Bush White House for plagiarizing articles for his hometown newspaper. 

--Gary Bauer got him a job with Focus on the Family DC Office

2012 Sexual Harassment/Retaliation Lawsuit Against Family Research Council Directly Connected to Gary Bauer Later Emboldening Neil Patel To Bork Evan Gahr Under Pressure from John Podhoretz

Conservatives are such dumb fucks they don't realize women use BC pills for reasons unrelated to not wanting a bun in the oven?  

In 2011 TK,  Moira Gaul, just like me,  really passionate and good at her job and wanted everybody to just leave her alone, after she quietly complained to DC OHR that her supervisor William Saunders, AKA, Bill Saunders was emailing her "hi cutie" and inviting her to parties and telling her that young women who use birth control pills are "whoring around."

FRC settled the complaint, gave Gaul some kind of compensation but fired her shortly thereafter for some obvious pretext, per exclusive reporting here. FRC vice-president Peter Sprigg reprimanded Saunders.  Huffington Post picked up this chimp's scoop and it ended up all over the internet.

The FRC spokesman pretty much lied to Huffington Post about  Moria Gaul's DC OHR complaint. He gave the impression it was settled without any admission of wrongdoing.  That is legally correct but utterly false in context.

Never under-estimate just how dumb and oblivious most Washington conservatives really are. Tony Perkins and his dim-witted lawyer were too obtuse and oblivious to try to get all these juicy Court documents this reporter discovered sealed. They might have been able to do it since the whole thing started with a DC OHR complaint, which is confidential.

Fall 2013: National Revew and IWF Bar Phone Enthusiast From Public Conference Because He Denounced Weyrich and Exposed FRC Lawsuit

NR publisher Jack Fowler and IWF president Sabrina Schaeffer, sp? incited by Christina Hoff Sommers, with the support of AEI president Arthur Brooks, even barred me from their conference, when I told them I wanted to ask questions about it.

National Review honcho Jay Nordlinger to Evan Gahr verbatim : Shut the fuck up, you big bully. I would have fired you [over Weyrich] also.

Kirsten Powers, who headlined the conference, refused to intervene when I approached her privately. Because, of course, since POLITICO was not covering the matter, doing so would not get her more Twittter followers or higher lecture fees. So she kept her big trap shut.  This is the woman who just wrote a book complaining how the left impedes free expression?  But she keeps quiet about the right doing it?

I know how almost "everybody" in Washington acts when they think nobody is watching. That is one main purpose of my book length essay.  It is the ultimate Washington insider's account--by somebody who doesn't even use a work email. 

Family Research Council and Tony Perkins Illegal Denied Washington Gadfly Columnist Press Credentials For September 2016 Conference Headlined By Gary Bauer and Bill Bennett Who Kept His Big Trap Shut About Weyrich and Hudson Despite Long Association With Both

The FRC flack, who deceived the HuffPost reporter who followed up on my story, ignored repeated emails asking about failure to issue credentials. Ditto for FRC VP Sprigg

--Shortly after this phone enthusiast complained to Bauer the flack, who had ignored emails asking if he could attend the next conference, he said it was a big mix-up. Bauer probably said something PRIVATELY but REFUSED to disavow publicly and also REFUSED to DISAVOW his Accuracy in Media fellow travelers breaching oral and written contracts to pay me 500 for a Washington Post hit piece when they discovered I denounced Weyrich.  Herb London is closely associated with AIM and editor Roger Aronoff worked closely with AEI neo-con honcho Ben Wattenberg.

AEI magazine editor Karl Zinsmeister dismissed me as a columnist and barred me from even using the office facilities or writing for them after Gary Bauer aide Tim Goeglein complained to him about me.  Zinsmeister later helped Hudson Institute senior fellow and Christian Right Anti-Semitism apologist and former Reagan DOJ lawyer Michael Horowitz criminally harass my owner parents to shut me up, per recent notification to MPD SVU.

Current AEI president Arthur Brooks refuses to disavow the AEI purge. Former AEI president Chris DeMuth, who ignored multiple inquiries at the time, is now at Hudson. He is on the board of Ayan Hirsi Ali's sp? group, which rescinded a job offer in 2014, complete with starting salary and promised raise

Gary Bauer, like white racits of yesteryear, says "boy" you're out of line

--This reporter got real "uppity" from the perspective of Bauer, and started asking him to condemn Paul Weyrich for saying the Jews killed Christ. He repeatedly refused to do so.
--Bauer refused to condemn FRC, which he previously headed, for firing the woman who complained about her supervisor calling women whores--just like Rush Limbaugh did Sandra Fluke

Neil Patel Borked Me Right After I Reported AEI to DOJ and Implicated AEI vice-president John Bolton In the AEI Purge

John Podhoretz Tells Neil Patel the Neo-Con Version of "Shut This Nigger Up" Because Neo-Cons Consider Me Unsettling The Way White Southern Racitsts Consider Black Man Scary
--I started going after John Podhoretz on Twitter for not denouncing Weyrich for saying the Jews killed Christ.  And also mocking Norman and Midge for not condemning to this day Weyrich.
--Podhoretz  basically told Patel to "shut this nigger up."
--Patel quasi-fired and blacklisted me and illegally refused to give me a salaried job Tucker Carlson expressly promised
--But he can't shut me up.

Post 1970s America, nobody--no matter how powerful or well-connected in business or the media or the government--can act with such viciousness and condescension towards somebody because of his or her religion or gender or race or because he likes to use the ladies room despite still having a "schlong" with professional and legal impunity.

Bauer and Perkins Current Insouciance Manifests The Same Contempt For The American People and the Way That Most Mainstream Elite Journos Did By Insisting Trump Would Lose and Then Saying He Won Because Racists Popped Out of Nowhere To Support Him 

Perkins and Bauer think nobody is ever going to notice all their prima facie violations--involving and sexual harassment and dating to 2001--because the Washington Post, MSNBC and POLITICO are not reporting new developments?  Perkins ignored repeated Tweets about the FRC conference and Neil Patel Borking this reporter. 

Suppose  an ambitious Rachel Maddow Show producer starts researching him carefully to play more McCarthyite guilty by association games (per David Duke) with "Trump." Ditto for Bauer, who is the real crytpto-fascist anti-Semite not Donald Trump.

President Trump--so delicious just to write these words and Steve Bannon and KAC don't know anything about this.   But if a reporter brings it to their attention wouldn't they surely conclude that Bauer and Perkins are political liabilities?   Particularly because the over-rated Josh Marshall and his coterie of little bitches are already lying that Trump and Bannon are crypto-anti-Semities based on absurd stuff like Tweets and Janet Yellin being Jewish and in Trump's commercials.  Why give them more stuff so they can peddle more lies?  Especially when there are so many "Mega-Goys" available who, unlike Bauer and Perkins, truly abhor anti-Semitism and respect the rule of law in this country.

This not the typical stuff of other Christian Right leaders associated with Trump and their paper trails involving anti-gay remarks.

This involves multiple violations of District of Columbia and federal law and criminal law by Michael Horowitz and AEI dating back to the GWB Administration.

I am badly tramautized by recent events but not scared.  I am a very strong chimp and come from a very strong chimp family.

Bauer, Perkins and Patel are  all bullies. But I have faith in the American people. And civil rights lawyer Norman Siegel has promised if anybody tries to harm you again for what you say "I've got your back."

Of course, I wasn't scared of McCarthy. McCarthy was a bully and I had faith in the American People
--Joe Rauh to Insight Magazine reporter Evan Gahr 
Washington DC  

Title TK
Pre-book party 
Ape House 
National Zoo 
August 13, my grandmother Ruth Goldstock's birthday
iPhone facetime or whatever that thing is called attendance welcome  

 Giving Thanks That WaPo Media Blogger's Wife Is Alleged Human ...
Nov 26, 2015 - In his new Washington Gadfly column for the Daily Caller Evan Gahr ... –My grandmother Ruth Goldstock, who introduced me to the wider world ...


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