Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Daily Caller Top Editor Vince Coliganese Finds Lynching Really Funny

Kind of like Tucker Carlson found it "Hilarious" when he heard somebody call Barack Obama "a schvartze" an ADL meeting in 2008

Tucker Carlson, Louis E. Chimpstein  Me
How "everybody" in Washington acts when they think "nobody" is watching

Last year, Tucker Carlson, a dumb and sloppy liar in the mold of Alger Hiss, lied to
Wemple when he claimed Scott Greer's white nationalist views were unknown to him
until the BuzzFeed story appeared.

Daily Caller publisher and Dick Cheney affirmative action hire Neil Patel, who
apparently hasn't been able to have an erection since 2012, also said the same thing
to Wemple.

Of course, Patel is a master of denial. He probably, for years, has been trying to
convince his wife that he doesn't have a little, uh, issue. 

Greer's white nationalist "sensibility" was well known around the office, and known
to Carlson and Patel, who was Cheney's point man on fracking.   Greer's views
were discussed endlessly at editorial meetings.  Greer was really loud, literally and
figuratively about his views in the newsroom.

At one meeting,  Vince said that,
"Scott comes from a long line of lynchers."

So Carlson lied to Wemple.

Just like Mr. Honesty lied to Jon Levine when he said an embarrassing
email from him to me was "a fake."  In that  email Carlson told me he
found it "Hilarious" when  he heard somebody call Obama "a schvartze"
at an ADL meeting in 2008.

The Washington GadlyI sued Carlson for libel.  Last October he paid me to settle
the case.

In one of his motions responding to my libel lawsuit Carlson conceded the email
was genuine.

Mr. Honesty, however, through his lawyer basically said, "Yeah, I lied but it
shouldn't matter anyway."

Tucker Carlson Lied To His Own Lawyer

Carlson contended that his statement to Jon Levine was "privileged" because
I sent Jon Levine the email when applying for a job with the Wrap.   Carlson's lawyer
Bernie Dennis, a very honest man, wrote that in the court papers because Mr. Honesty
lied to him. In fact,  I did not send Levine the schvartze email as part of a job
application. I sent it to him as a possible story.

Vince did not immediately reply to a request for comment.


Eric Owens, the Archie Bunker of the Daily Caller, Called Rosa Parks a Communist

Tucker Carlson, Louis E. Chimpstein & Me

How "everybody" in Washington acts when they think "nobody' is watching  

In an unguarded email to this reporter that he clearly assumed would never be made public Daily Caller education editor Eric Owens falsely labeled Rosa Parks a Communist. 

Owens, who has blatantly race-baited Ta-Nehesi Coates by
calling him a literary affirmative action hire, also manifested 
his rank ignorance by saying that the NAACP was "full of Communists." 

In fact, the NAACP was resolutely anti-Communist. 

Thurgood Marshall, as director of the NAACP Legal Defense
and Education Fund, refused to work with Communists. 

Rosa Parks did do some training at the Highlander School, 
which had Party ties. But that was it. 

She did not "attend communist meetings" as Owens
insisted.  That formulation implies that Highlander was
an actual Party cell. It was no such thing.

He could not immediately be reached for comment.  

But this poseur is surely going to hang up on the 
Washington Gadfly--probably almost as quickly as 
Wesley Lowery comes in his pants everytime he reads 
an email from "Evan Gahr" calling Tucker Carlson
 "a neo-racist schoolyard bully." 

Last October, Carlson paid this Eric Breindel protoge
to settle his libel lawsuit.  Mr. Honesty, in court papers,
admitted that he lied to Jon Levine when he told him the
"schvartze email" was "a fake." 

He conceded it was real.  In that 2016 email Carlson
told  Gahr hat he heard somebody at an ADL dinner 
in 2008 call Barack Obama "a schvartze" and he
found that "Hilarious." 

Owen's statements about the ACLU also manifest
the same uncanny mix of certitude and ignorance that 
this nation has not seen since the days of Archie Bunker
 talking all about "the coloreds." 

Kind of like Archie thinking he knows truths
about "coloreds" and "Hebes" that nobody else does 
Owens seems to think it is really damning that the ACLU
 was "in direct contact with the Soviet Leadership." 

So, this supposedly proves the ACLU was a stalking horse 
for the Soviet Union?


At the Daily Caller I was "in direct contact" with 
the "leadership" of the Washington Post.  I frequently
gave my scoops to then managing editor Kevin Merida for
him to forward to editors for possible use.

Does that mean at the Daily Caller I was some kind of 
Washington Post sympathizer doing the paper's bidding?

Because I was "in direct contact," on occasion, with the Washington Post "leadership?"

----Original Message-----
From: Eric Owens <>
To: EvanGahr <>
Sent: Mon, Nov 28, 2016 5:58 pm
Subject: Re: CAIR, Somali, Muslim Leaders to Respond to Ohio State Attack | CAIR Sends Letter to FBI Director Calling for Probe of Mosque Threat Messages

Evan! Criminy! How can you possibly ask me this question? It is easy to find. We have a fabulous history piece on this topic AT THE DAILY CALLER.

The early leaders of the ACLU were Soviet sympathizers in direct contact with Soviet leadership. The ACLU was a haven for communists and fellow travelers for many decades.

The NAACP was also full of communists. Rosa Parks herself was a communist who attended communist meetings. 

Does that make Rosa Parks a bad person? No. She's a hero, on the whole. Heroism is for the flawed. 

"Civil rights" is not some unqualified good. Perhaps that is the part you are missing.

EVERY civil rights group in America is on a radical periphery in some way. This includes CAIR. CAIR is a civil rights group with ties to Hamas and probably other radical, terrorist Muslim groups.

Rights are very complex. There is not much agreement on them. Many times, rights are a zero sum game. Giving a right to A flatly means taking something away from B.
