BookExclusive: Bill Kirstol Silently Acquiesced to Pat Buchanan's Anti-Semitism
Tucker Carlson, Louis E. Chimpstein & Me
How “everybody” in Washington acts when they think “nobody” is looking
The Real Bill Kristol
Bill Kristol silently acquiesced with Pat Buchanan’s anti-Semitism
and also outright lied to the Washington Post to cover-up for his
Christian Right ally’s anti-Semitic broadside
and also outright lied to the Washington Post to cover-up for his
Christian Right ally’s anti-Semitic broadside
Shortly after the whole matter of Pat Buchanan’s lonstanding anti-Semitism exploded in
1990, prominent Washington conservatives held a pow wow about how to
deal with it.
1990, prominent Washington conservatives held a pow wow about how to
deal with it.
It is unclear to me if the meeting was ever reported. I only know about it
because Weyrich mentioned it to me. I have a detailed email from him about it
that should make a great graphic for my boo, please God
because Weyrich mentioned it to me. I have a detailed email from him about it
that should make a great graphic for my boo, please God
Weyrich said he was at the meeting.
So was Norman Podhoretz.
And Bill Kristol, then chief of staff to Dan Quayle.
Norman Podhoretz, Weyrich recounted around 2004,
condemned Buchanan briefly. :But then he started to
rant and rave about black anti-Semitism.
condemned Buchanan briefly. :But then he started to
rant and rave about black anti-Semitism.
When it was Weyrich’s turn to speak he said, “Of course Pat
is an anti-Semite. We’ve known that for years.”
We certainly did. We certainly did.
Pat Buchanan, the syndicated columnist and CNN host and former Nixon \
White Hosue hand, had been making virulently anti-Semitic remarks for years and years. With pretty much no
reprobation from Republicans and conservatives.
So, at this meeting, Weyrich denouced Pat Buchanan for his anti-Semitic broadsides.
is an anti-Semite. We’ve known that for years.”
We certainly did. We certainly did.
Pat Buchanan, the syndicated columnist and CNN host and former Nixon \
White Hosue hand, had been making virulently anti-Semitic remarks for years and years. With pretty much no
reprobation from Republicans and conservatives.
So, at this meeting, Weyrich denouced Pat Buchanan for his anti-Semitic broadsides.
And what about Bill Kristol?
What did he do?
What did he do?
Bill Kristol pretty much considered impeccably honest and candid.
The guy who never hestiates to criticize other conservatives for wrongdoing--or so
the mythology goes.
These days, of course, Bill Kristol is publicly devoted to talking about Donald Trump
is so heinous. But, back when nobody was watching what did Bill Kristol say about
Pat Buchanan saying stuff that is, by any objective standard, worse than anything
Donald Trump has ever said?
He said nothing.
Bill Kristol just kept his big mouth shut during the entire meeting.
The guy who never hestiates to criticize other conservatives for wrongdoing--or so
the mythology goes.
These days, of course, Bill Kristol is publicly devoted to talking about Donald Trump
is so heinous. But, back when nobody was watching what did Bill Kristol say about
Pat Buchanan saying stuff that is, by any objective standard, worse than anything
Donald Trump has ever said?
He said nothing.
Bill Kristol just kept his big mouth shut during the entire meeting.
He literally did not say one word.
Of course, he didn’t.
Pat Buchanan was a major figure in the Republican world and Bill Kristol
was chief of staff to Dan Quayle.
was chief of staff to Dan Quayle.
Denouncing him would have taken real courage and integrity--something
Bill Kristol clearly lacks.
Bill Kristol clearly lacks.
Courage is fighting a lonely fight--tilting at windmills, putting your prestige
and career at risk.
and career at risk.
Whenever Bill Kristol attacks people he does it from a powerful perch.
In full public view. and he reaps innumerable rewards.
Unlike denouncing Donald Trump in 2020 denouncing Pat Buchan in 1990
would have been highly problematic for Bill Kristol.
Unlike denouncing Donald Trump in 2020 denouncing Pat Buchan in 1990
would have been highly problematic for Bill Kristol.
When Bill Kristol thought nobody would ever notice because there was no public pressure
for him to do the right thing and denounce Buchanan he proved himself just as
pusillanimous as liberals who for years kept quiet about black anti-Semitism.
for him to do the right thing and denounce Buchanan he proved himself just as
pusillanimous as liberals who for years kept quiet about black anti-Semitism.
Washington, DC
Circa April 2002
Outside Weekly Standard office
Evan Gahr: Bill, did the Jews kill Christ?
Bill Kristol: [no response]
Evan Gahr: Did the Jews kill Christ?
Bill Kristol: [no response]
Evan Gahr: Did you have advance knowledge that Hudson was going to fire me?
Bill Kristol: [cheeky evasive response]
Evan Gahr: That’s very funny, Bill. But you didn’t answer my question
Then, Kristol pretty much ran away from his inquistor.
He scurried across the street and hopped in a cab.
Longtime Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol, who these days pleasures
himself immensely on television, by calling Donald Trump mendacious, blatantly
lied to the Washington Post/Lloyd Grove when asked about Weyrich saying the
Jews killed Christ.
himself immensely on television, by calling Donald Trump mendacious, blatantly
lied to the Washington Post/Lloyd Grove when asked about Weyrich saying the
Jews killed Christ.
Kristol, son of the late neo-con Godfather Irving Kristol, is regarded by
elite reporters and liberals and pretty much “everybody” as being scrupulously honest,
fair minded and never afraid to upbraid Republicans and/or conservatives for doing
something he considers wrong.
elite reporters and liberals and pretty much “everybody” as being scrupulously honest,
fair minded and never afraid to upbraid Republicans and/or conservatives for doing
something he considers wrong.
He does upbraid conservatives and Republicans all the time but WHY
should that possibly impress anybody.
should that possibly impress anybody.
It doesn’t take any courage for him to attack conservatives and Republicans. He is doing it
from a position of power, as editor of the Weekly Standard.
from a position of power, as editor of the Weekly Standard.
But when breaking ranks with conservatives and Republicans really would have
required courage when the co-founder of the Moral Majority and Heritage Foundation
rehashed the classic anti-Semitic lie Kristol not only didn’t condemn Weyrich he
outright lied to then-gossip columnist Lloyd Grove to depict what he considered
a vile outburst of anti-Semitism as no big deal.
required courage when the co-founder of the Moral Majority and Heritage Foundation
rehashed the classic anti-Semitic lie Kristol not only didn’t condemn Weyrich he
outright lied to then-gossip columnist Lloyd Grove to depict what he considered
a vile outburst of anti-Semitism as no big deal.
Evan Gahr is the Jewish Whittaker Chambers of the Neo-Con World
Here is how it went down
I know “everything” about key members of the neo-con cabal.
Because I was one of them--a golden boy, their adored right-wing hit man--for 10 years.
So they can’t refute anything I say.
Kind of the way when Whittaker Chambers left the Communist Party and shocked
the world by saying Alger Hiss, then the pillar of the Washington liberal establishment,
the way David Saperstein is today, was one of his fellow CPUSA members, the Party could
not refute him.
the world by saying Alger Hiss, then the pillar of the Washington liberal establishment,
the way David Saperstein is today, was one of his fellow CPUSA members, the Party could
not refute him.
Instead, they accused Chambers of “bizarre behavior.”
That is the exact same thing Hudson Institute president Herb London accused
me of to the Washington Jewish Week for supposedly improper behavior in a cable n
news debate to justify firing me.
me of to the Washington Jewish Week for supposedly improper behavior in a cable n
news debate to justify firing me.
When, of course, as all of you now know and I’ve said since 2001 with neither London,
nor Ken Weinsten nor Hudson ever once publicly disputing me, the longtime NYU dea
n and New York Conservative Party leader fired me because the White House complained
about me to him.
nor Ken Weinsten nor Hudson ever once publicly disputing me, the longtime NYU dea
n and New York Conservative Party leader fired me because the White House complained
about me to him.
Around April 18, 2001, at the Hudson Institute, one of my colleagues--comrades
really--Marshall Wittmann, now AIPAC chief spokesman--looked on Paul Weyrich’s
Free Congress Foundation website because the Heritage co-founder was having a fight
with the Bush Administration. (I don’t remember about what I need to find the clips.)
really--Marshall Wittmann, now AIPAC chief spokesman--looked on Paul Weyrich’s
Free Congress Foundation website because the Heritage co-founder was having a fight
with the Bush Administration. (I don’t remember about what I need to find the clips.)
Weyrich had left Heritage because they wouldn’t work on social issues, founding the
Free Congress Foundation instead.
Free Congress Foundation instead.
Wittmann, who had worked for Pat Robertson the previous decade but now despised
the Christian Right, told Bill Kristol.
the Christian Right, told Bill Kristol.
Kristol was associated with the conservative reform project that Wittmann
was leading at Hudson.
was leading at Hudson.
Wittmann also told then Hudson VP and now president Ken Weinstein what
Weyrich said.
Weyrich said.
When I got into the office Wittmann, who I knew very well and first met when
I interviewed him for the Washington Jewish Week when the Texas native was DC rep
for the Christian Coalition, told me what Weyrich wrote.
I interviewed him for the Washington Jewish Week when the Texas native was DC rep
for the Christian Coalition, told me what Weyrich wrote.
Ken and Marshall both told me that Kristol told them he thought Weyrich saying the
Jews killed Christ was a shocking and disgusting anti-Semitic outburst.
"Bill couldn't believe it," they both relayed.
Jews killed Christ was a shocking and disgusting anti-Semitic outburst.
"Bill couldn't believe it," they both relayed.
But when Lloyd Grove asked him for comment on the fracas Kristol LIED and said
Weyrich’s comments were inconsequential and I was making a big deal out of nothing.
Weyrich’s comments were inconsequential and I was making a big deal out of nothing.
When Lloyd Grove called Bill Kristol for comment about Weyrich’s remarks the
former Dan Quayle chief of staff, an inveterate apologist for Christian Right anti-Semitism,
outright lied to him to preserve his neo-con alliance with the Christian Right.
former Dan Quayle chief of staff, an inveterate apologist for Christian Right anti-Semitism,
outright lied to him to preserve his neo-con alliance with the Christian Right.
Kristol told Grove that Weyrich’s remarks and Gahr was making too big a deal out of it.
Because four days earlier when Marshalll Wittmann, now AIPAC spokesman told Kristol
what Weyrich wrote, he told Wittmann that he considered it a shocking outburst of anti-Semitism.
what Weyrich wrote, he told Wittmann that he considered it a shocking outburst of anti-Semitism.
“Bill couldn’t believe it,” Witmman relayed.
Ken Weinstein described Kristol’s reaction to Gahr with the exact same words.
So, how did it go from being a shocking outburst of anti-Semitism to Bill Kristol to no
big deal in just a few days?
big deal in just a few days?
Weyrich says the Jews killed Christ and instead of condeming him Kristol proceeds
to trash talk the guy who deounced him as overly excitable?
to trash talk the guy who deounced him as overly excitable?
Of course, he did. Becaue just like Jay Lefkowitz saying “a little anti-Semitism is good for
the Jews” to dismiss as insignifcant what was in actuality classic anti-Semitic conspiracy
theories about Jewish bankers, Kristol was trying to pretend Weyrich’s remarks really didn’t matter
much anyway.
the Jews” to dismiss as insignifcant what was in actuality classic anti-Semitic conspiracy
theories about Jewish bankers, Kristol was trying to pretend Weyrich’s remarks really didn’t matter
much anyway.
And these days Kristol pleasures himself immensely by condeming Donald Trump as
an abomination before God and a threat to the American Way? What’s the worst thing
Trump has ever said? Telling AOC and the Squad to go back to the country they came from?
an abomination before God and a threat to the American Way? What’s the worst thing
Trump has ever said? Telling AOC and the Squad to go back to the country they came from?
That is small stuff compeled to saying the Jews killed God,.
The previous month, however, Bill Kristol had gotten mighty excited about an
obscure black leftist who had made some low grade anti-Semitic remarks about
Jewish landlords.
obscure black leftist who had made some low grade anti-Semitic remarks about
Jewish landlords.
On the “O’Relly Factor” Kristol calld Lenore Fulani “a crackpot Marxist anti-Semite.”
So, when an obscure black leftist derides Jewish landords as oppressive Bill Kristol
rushes to denounce her as “a crackpot anti-Semite.” But when the WHITE co-founder of t
he Heritage Foundation and Moral Majority rehashes the classic anti-Semitic lie that the
Jews killed Christ--the lodestar of anti-Semitism tha set in motion a 2000 year engine of hatred
that culminated in Jews being thrown in ovens--Kristol doesn’t even condemn him.
rushes to denounce her as “a crackpot anti-Semite.” But when the WHITE co-founder of t
he Heritage Foundation and Moral Majority rehashes the classic anti-Semitic lie that the
Jews killed Christ--the lodestar of anti-Semitism tha set in motion a 2000 year engine of hatred
that culminated in Jews being thrown in ovens--Kristol doesn’t even condemn him.
Kristol’s lie to the Washington Post--an abnegation of history, really-- was the latest attempt by
neo-cons to absolve the Church of its murderous anti-Semitism.
Much the way leftists long denied Stalin committed any crimes--soon became the
official Party line. All of these neo-cons who purport to protect spirited and honest
debate from the left started regurgitating Kristol’s lie.
official Party line. All of these neo-cons who purport to protect spirited and honest
debate from the left started regurgitating Kristol’s lie.
Pretending that “the Jews killed Christ” is an inconsequential remark sounds like David Irving
insisting that while some Jews were indeed killed at Auschwitz the killings hardly
amounted to a Holocaust.
insisting that while some Jews were indeed killed at Auschwitz the killings hardly
amounted to a Holocaust.
Irving is trying to depict the killings as some kind of isolated event just like Bill Kristol
in his comments to the Washington Post tried to pretend Weyrich’s outbust was some kind
of trifling remark.
in his comments to the Washington Post tried to pretend Weyrich’s outbust was some kind
of trifling remark.
They were both making materiallly false statements that they know are false to
advance their particular agenda.
advance their particular agenda.
Kristol’s lie became the neo-con Party line: It was really inconsequential that
Weyrich said the Jews killed Christ.
Weyrich said the Jews killed Christ.
And I of course clearly had psychiatric problems for calling him an anti-Semite
based on “one remark.”
based on “one remark.”
Michael Horowitz, Norman Podhoretz, Jay Lefkowitz, Midge Decter and
other CPUSAesque Jews
other CPUSAesque Jews
They insisted I was wrong to call Weyrich an anti-Semite based on
“one remark?”
“one remark?”
That is an odd argument coming from people who had just spent the last 17 years
calling Jesse Jackson an anti-Semite because he had called New York City “Hymietown.”
calling Jesse Jackson an anti-Semite because he had called New York City “Hymietown.”
Jesse Jackson made the term up on the spot in his unguraded conversations with black reporters.
By way of consesquences “the Jews killed Christ” has a nearly 2000 year muderous history.
This is the neo-con racist dictatorship and double standards.
They bludgeon blacks for low grade anti-Semitism but dismiss the truly horrific
Saying the “Jews killed Christ” is not “one remark” anymore than calling a black person
“a nigger” is one remark. Both phrases are redolent with murderous history.
“a nigger” is one remark. Both phrases are redolent with murderous history.
By saying that the “Jews killed Christ” was just “one remark” by Weyrich neo-conservatives
were abnegating history--lying about it--in the same way CPUSA Jews and their fellow
travelers were trying to abnegate history by claiming Stalin was not a murderous dictator.
were abnegating history--lying about it--in the same way CPUSA Jews and their fellow
travelers were trying to abnegate history by claiming Stalin was not a murderous dictator.
Why did Kristol lie to the Washington Post?
Because Kristol, like his father Irving, was one of the key players in the neo-con cover-up
for the odious and inveterate anti-Semitism of their Christian Right allies that dated to shortly
after Weyrich co-founded the Moral Majority in 1974.
for the odious and inveterate anti-Semitism of their Christian Right allies that dated to shortly
after Weyrich co-founded the Moral Majority in 1974.
In 1994, Kristol had advised then-Christian Coalition executive Ralph Reed on how to respond
to a meticulously researched ADL report that documented anti-Semitic, ant-gay and bigoted and
quasi-fascistic statements by Christian Right leaders.
to a meticulously researched ADL report that documented anti-Semitic, ant-gay and bigoted and
quasi-fascistic statements by Christian Right leaders.
Kristol accused the ADL of anti-Christian bigotry for their report.
When the ADL published detailed reports on black anti-Semitism did neo-cons accuse
the storied Jewish organization of racism?
the storied Jewish organization of racism?
Of course, not. They goobled the stuff up.
When the ADL documented bigoted remarks by Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan
and his disciplies did Bill Kristol and his neo-con fellow travelers deem that an example of
anti-Muslim bigotry.
and his disciplies did Bill Kristol and his neo-con fellow travelers deem that an example of
anti-Muslim bigotry.
After Jesse Jackson apologized for calling New York “Hymietown” ADL head
Nat Perlmutter said something like “He is a whore and anti-Semite. I don’t care if he grows
peyes. He is a whore and anti-Semite.”
Nat Perlmutter said something like “He is a whore and anti-Semite. I don’t care if he grows
peyes. He is a whore and anti-Semite.”
Did the neo-cons go around calling the ADL anti-Christian because Jesse Jackson
is a Christian minister?
is a Christian minister?
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